If you’re Q and you’re late…

Event Date

Apr 05, 2016


PAX led Warmup – Q fail (7 minutes late)


Merkin (claimed 100)

Monkey drill around and under tractor trailer full of pine straw


Q arrives to jeers

.5 mile IR to SV Clubhouse

15IC Merkin

Bear Crawl length of parking lot

.5 mile IR back to AO


Arm Expansion and Muffin Top Reduction

30 second of exercise 30 seconds recovery (2 rounds each station then rotate)

Australian Rows / Hold chest to bar

Derkin / Derkin

Squat Thrusters / Squat Thrusters

Hanging Toe Touch


Repeato (there was much applause)


Round 3 (30 seconds each)

Hold Chin-up in up position

Decline plank

Australian Chest to bar

Iron Chair with block


1 MoM

Mason Twist



Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him.


We must have faith. It’s important to share our faith in a way it will be received.



-Thanks to the PAX for getting started without me!

-Back to back hanging toe touches before rotating was a fan favorite.

-Add any mumble chatter that I missed

-Trickle needs to register, remind him when you see him.


As always an honor to lead!
