Little Ditty…’bout Chief and Deep End

One man packed his bag.  He picked up a log.  He walked alongside QIC who decided that running at 0445 was a selfish thing to do.  The F2 conversation hung thick in the air and the problems of the world, the national economy, the financial services industry, and the climate of the Earth were on their way to being solved.  But then 0530 rolled around.   A new crop of PAX arrived to join in the Kettle Bell festivities in the blustery Gloom.  This is our story, to the best of our recollection.

Mosey; backwards mosey; regular; karioke both directions; regular; return to COT


  • SSH X30 IC
  • IST X20 IC
  • CP X10 IC

The Thang

  • 10 single count curls (two hands)
  • 10 LBC IC
  • Continue the pattern, decreasing the single count curls by one and always doing 10 LBC IC.  Down to one curl.  (total of 48 curls and 200 single count LBC)

MOSEY around fountain

  • 10 single count skull crushers (two hands)
  • 10 Mountain Climbers
  • Continue the pattern, decreasing the single count skull crushers by one and always doing 10 Mountain climbers, Peter Parkers, or Parker Peters IC.  Down to one curl.  (total of 48 skull crushers and 200 single count other stuff)


  • 10 single count lawnmower rows (5 each arm)
  • 5 Merkins IC
  • Continue the pattern, decreasing the single count rows by one and always doing 5 LBC IC.  Down to one curl.  (total of 48 single rows and 100 single count merkins)



  • WWII X10 IC
  • Freddie Mercury X30 IC
  • J-Lo X15 IC
  • Low Flutter X25 IC



  • Don't forget mulch spreading at Fairview Church (our Monday AO) on Saturday 4/9 at 9am.
  • Mumble Chatter was fun today.  
  • YHC almost didn't make it through the merkins/rows round.
  • Race City 3rd Anniversary gathering at the Crack house 4/16, tentatively.  More details to come.
  • Sign up to Q.  The PAX is better when we mix it up.  Thanks Motorboat for leading last week.