The Pax of 8 Were Great

Ty Webb (WB) Hasselhoff (WD)

A pax of 8 awoke this morning in the gloom to take on the challenge that awaited.  We had one FNG (Jimmy Bruns) join us this morning.  Today's theme was stations and elevated heart rate.  Went something like this….


Mosey around the parking lot:  Butt kickers, High Knees, Karaoke all the way up to the pull up bars

SSH x 20; IST x 20; Toy Soldier x 20; Cotton Picker x 20; Windmill x 20

The Thang:

Station 1 – (Mini Murph):

Pull Ups x 10 (OYO) – Run to the opposite end of the parking lot

Mercans x 10 (OYO) – Quadraphilia back to the pull up station

Squats x 10 (OYO)

Repeat for two more sets for a total of 3 sets.  Mosey over to the sitting area for some wall exercises.

Station 2:

Dercans x 10 IC – River dance (Wall Toe Taps) IC x 10

Incline Mercans x 10 IC – River dance (Wall Toe Taps) IC x 10

Dips x 10 IC – River dance (Wall Toe Taps) IC x 10

Repeat for two more sets for a total of 3 sets.  I think we only did an 8 count on the Dercans.  Mosey over to the rocks by the cars.

Station 3:

The Curl x 10 IC

Bent over rows x 10 IC

Shoulder press x 10 IC

Small lap around parking lot and return to your rock.  Repeat for two more sets for a total of 3 sets.

Station 4:

Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC

Burpees x 10 IC

LBC's x 20 IC

Repeat only one more time.  Ran out of time.


Windshield Wipers x 10 IC

Low Flutters x 20 IC

Freddie Mercury x 20 IC

J-Lo x 15 IC (Ty Webb)

Pickle Pounder x 10 IC


After spring break and a few fartsack days, I was ready to hit the pax with everything I got.  The goal for today was to keep the heart rate up.  After a few pleasantry's, the pax was ready to roll.  Thankfully I did state the disclaimer before we rolled for the FNG.  Jimmy Bruns (FNG) took a little spill on the River dance part in station 2, but recovered nicely.  I believe I may have saved F3 from a lawsuit of some kind, maybe Scrappy can weigh in.  I believe Jimmy stated after the workout something along the lines "I thought I was in better shape than I am".  Don't worry Jimmy, we've all been there.  I can honestly say, I doesn't really get any easier, you just can do it better.  Stick with it and you'll see some vast improvements in no time.  

Thanks to the PAX for correcting me during station 3.  I almost short changed them on some shoulder presses.  

Great work by all today, especially Billy Bob.  I believe he was giving ol Ty Webb a run for his money.  Carpet Bagger, Rock Lobster, and Hasselhoff as always a solid showing.  It seemed like I was the only one sucking wind.  Travolta stepped in nicely to inform all of us on how bad we were doing our bent over rows and explained proper form.  Jimmy Bruns, nicely done man for a first post.  Come back again and get a name.  I'm thinking something like River Dance….

Thanks Ty Webb for giving me the opportunity to Q.  With each time I learn a little more and get better.  F3 has truly been a blessing in so many ways, not just physically, but in the ability to get out of your comfort zone.  For that I will be forever grateful.  I look forward to my next opportunity… Hope I didn't disappoint.