There’s no escalator at Excelsior

19 hard chargers went looking for the escalator reported by 9-lives along Jim Kidd road but found only pastures, cows and Kidd rock. Here is the story.


Mosey to clear spot in the parking lot where we engage in:

SSH IC x 25
Cotton | Soybean | Carrot | or other vegetable pickers x 10

The Thang

Run from Richard Barry Park to Bradley Middle School parking lot.

Mericans x 15
LBC's x 10

Run from Bradley Middle along Jim Kidd Rd to then end. Touch Kidd rock and circle up for:

Heels to Heaven x 10
Roll-up,V-up x 10

Retrace our steps back to Bradley Middle.

Mericans x 10
LBC's x 10

Back to RBP.

Roll-up,V-up x 5


Already did it

Recover, recover.

Well we didn't find the escalator but we are more fit because of our search. Thanks to the thoroughbreds who came back for the 6. You know who you are. Thank you all for posting this morning,  It was a pleasure running beside you. I appreciate the members of the Birkdale Clown Car (Magnus, Smash, Dry Rub, Lone Star, Eeyore, Tiramisu)  that hold me accountable for posting. Without you all it would be easier to fartsack. I encourage everyone to find someone to clown car with for accountability and encouragement.
