Ode to the Cankerworm

I can't remember all the guys that showed (if only there was a small handheld device I need and carry for multiple purposes that could record voices…oh well) and some don't have accounts…

Twenty-eight PAX braved a light drizzle and sub-60 temperatures to run around Davidson.  Today we paid tribute to one of the not-so-good things about springtime in the Carolinas – the cankerworm.  

These aggravating creatures do five things – eat leaves, poop (or is it pee?) on everything below, crawl, climb and hang.  We did the last three during the workout…

1) Quick Warmup on the Green

2) Stay at the Green for a CVS Circuit…

  • Raccoon CRAWL the wall next to the CVS parking lot
  • 15 WWII situps at the corner of Main St and Chairman Blake Ln.
  • 10 box-jump burpees at the library stage
  • Repeat. Repeat.  (Total 3X)

3) Quick round of Heels to Heaven x 15IC before a mosey to the far end of the Lake Norman Christian parking lot. At this point YHC took a calculated risk.  The PAX counted off by three (50% increase over the standard "count off by two" command) and assembled into the three groups – I was so proud of the flawless execution of this. The PAX then did a three (kinda four) part routine.  From my group's POV…

  •  Assemble in a line at the far end of the parking lot and inch worm CRAWL toward the basketball goals.  Continue on this path until relieved by a group returning from the pullup bars. (Part 1)
  • Run to the pullup bars and relieve the group there. (Part 2)
  • Complete five burpee pullups and then HANG until relieved by a group returning from the inch worm crawl. (This actually sucked more than expected and many, including YHC, "modified" the length of the hang.)  (Part 3)
  • Run back to the bottom of the parking lot and relieve the crawlers.  (Part 4ish)
  • Repeat.

4) Assemble at The Wall and break into roughly two groups (like a fine chef F3 Davidson does not need precise measurements – close enough will do).

  • Group 1 – Assume and hold balls to the wall (CLIMB – Full disclosure: We didn't actually climb the wall – Creeper probably could have scaled it – so for our cankerworm simulation we'll assume there was a band of Tanglefoot on the wall.)
  • Group 2 – Run to pullup bars, HANG and complete 15 knee raises.  Run back to the wall and replace group 1.
  • Repeat so each does BTTW and knee raises twice.  (Or was it three times?)  
  • At this point Canuck correctly surmised that this sounded better in planning than in execution.

5) A few more exercises at the school with the support of Bada Bing…

  • LBC x 15IC
  • LBC w/ left foot suspended a few inches (some claimed a full six inches) x 10 IC
  • LBC w/ right foot out x 10 IC
  • Cross LBC x 15 IC
  • Burpees x 5 (Bada Bing did this)
  • Carolina Dry Dock x 10 IC
  • Perfect merkin x 5 IC

6) Back to Green…

  • Hold various plank positions for a couple minutes
  • Finish w/ JLo x 15 IC

COT – Several prayer requests this morning – Tin Man, Journey's mom, Scrum's son, Brick as he returns home, and brothers on the DL (Padre, DMV, and Grillz).  The prayer request portion is a standard part of the F3 routine and I believe most speak freely and share openly.  How often does this happen in our other guy-friend relationships?  I highly doubt after a spirited conversation about the Panthers game any of us ever says to a work buddy, "Please keep my son in your prayers."  I know I don't.  

In case you have not heard, OBC said there is something called the Coyote on May 14th.