Showed Up, Worked Out, Reflected All is Good

Event Date

Apr 13, 2016

Warm Up

15 x SSH IC                                                                                                                    

15 x copperhead squats IC

15 x mtn climbers

10 x Diamond Merkins IC

Parking lot run clockwise finish at block station

The Thang

Grab Blocks

  • 3 laps –With blocks, quads-I-feel-ya style and Hallelujah down

  • Partner up – 20 reps standing mason twist, block hand off

  • Block hand off trifecta x 20

  • Situps with block handoff x 20

  • Block swing with hand off x 20 #trustme


    Mosey to field house stopping at down under bar 

    20 aussie pull-ups palms facing you, 20 more palms facing each other #clarkwantsWTFaussies

    Pax does People’s Chair with air presses while each pax member in pairs crabwalks to fieldgoal post and lunge walk back #crabwalksarebackwards

    Bleacher work

    Double taps up each stair

    Bear crawl next stairs

    Double taps up each stair

    Lunge walk back

    Repeato x3

    Double taps up each stair

    Shuffle left

    Double taps up each stair

    Shuffle right

    Repeato x 3

    10 Dips IC

    500 meter run # abramstherabbit

    Time for MOM

    10x box cutter IC

    10 x Low plank knee-ups IC

    20 x LBCs IC

    9.5 x Dr W’s



For God did not send His Son into the world to codemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.

John 3:17


Reflection on New testament and the old testament … we were given new law and grace. This can be summarized with 2 laws

  • Love the Lord your God with all you heart

  • Love your neighbor as yourself


  • Plenty including recognition that Q even decided to show despite not bringing his Weinke, not to fear I wrote it down 😉

  • Contemplated running a lap around the cop car which turned into sliding across the hood etc

  • Clark and Abrams both flip the #410 tire

  • wendy … welcome to Jamaica have a nice day

  • Does it ever become acceptable to introduce mom and wife jokes into the MC ?