After over 2 years…Junk steps up!

Event Date

Apr 16, 2016

On a beautiful brisk morning at GCC, Junk after 2 years of pushing, finally stepped up to Q 9 strong men. Junk only would do it if someone took half so YHC offered his help, held his hand, and split the duties.

The Thang:

Run around parking lot and circle up for the warmarama:

– SSH X 20

– Cotton Picker


Line up in GCC front lot for Burpee Suicides:

– 5 cones 10 yards apart – increasing 2 burpees per cone to 10 Burpees

– Same as above with Dry Docks

– Go 3 cones – Increasing 4 Burpees per cone ending with 12 Burpees.

Circle up:

– Carolina Dry Mericans (Merican – move up to dry dock, back to plank) X 8

Turn over to JUNK:

Mosey to back of church with a surprise waiting for us – a line of kettle bells

– One bell per pax

– Partner up and Congregate at bottom of Hell's acent

Round 1: Partner Carry 40 Yards and Switch. PAX 1 does 30 KB swings while PAX 2 does quadraphelia with KB (don't tell Moses) until PAX 1 is finished – rotate

Round 2: Parnter Carry 40 Yards and Switch. PAX 1 does 30 curl presses while PAX 2 runs the hill until PAX 1 is finished – Rotate

Round 3: Partner Carry 40 Yards and Switch. PAX 1 does 30 SSH in cadence as group while PAX 2 does Farmers carry up and down hill unil the PAX 1 group is finished.

UH OH…..Junk slightly underestimated (by nearly 1/2 Hour) how long his portion would last. AUDIBLE..

Round 4: Partner Carry with KB 40 yards and switch.


Mosey to Pull-Up Forrest

Hey….there is that random dude again who won't join us??…Scrap uses the "Hey, we need some help over hear with spots" to lure Brian into the WO. True politician.

– Line up at Pull up bars for Pull-up/Burpee 7's. 6 Pull-ups and 1 Burpee increasing Burpees and subtracting Pull-ups until 1 Pull-up and 6 Burpees. Brian joined in.


– PAX 1 Squats times 15 while PAX 2 does knee ups – rotate

– PAX 1 Step ups X 15 each leg while PAX 2 does dips X 30 (or when YHC asked scrappy how many we were supposed to do he said "just shut-up and do them" (I think he was having his period this morning)


Mosey to Home Depot wall – Random dude Brian does not follow

– Peoples Chair while everyone gathered

– Balls to the wall – walk it out

– Derkins X 8

– Balls to the wall with hip slappers

– Derkins X 6

– Balls to the wall with shoulder touch


Mosey up road to the Pond of Doom

– To relive the best moment of Junk's life where he got to see my nuggets, we did partner sit-ups in Cadence X 10 and roatate

– Crunchy frog in Cadence X 10

– Homer to marge

Mosey to back of church to return KB's to their container home and circle up for COT

Burpee count: 109


– WELCOME to FNG Rob now forever known as Youn Man. Strong work.

– The YHC thinks Junk did an excellent job and has gotten past the jitters and will have a fruitful F3 career Q'ing AO's.

– Scrappy was none to happy and thought the YHC pulled a bait and switch when he found out that the YHC was recruited to help. "I would have went to another AO if I'd known you were involved". Again, I was unaware little girls could get periods.

– Junk underestimated the time of his section by 1/2 hour…rookie mistake but it worked out fine.

– Junk's portion showcased his wheelhouse….partner carries…he is a pack mule and may have found the one thing he can beat scrappy at.

– Contra still nursing a shoulder injury. Hope you heal up soon. Not that happy to see a flashback from his 1st post (Burpee suicides)

– Scrap lead the pack as usual.

– Zuul says that when he is laying out on the beach, he does it the whole time in Homer position. I don't doubt it. He has the super respect core strength.

– Apparently if you are not signed up on the site and have your name entered, it cannot be added to the PAX list. Sign up.

Everyone did amazing this morning. Junk appreciates the support and saw it as an honor to lead you men this morning.