Over-the-Shoulder-Boulder-Holder Remix

Event Date

Apr 16, 2016


warm up:
20x SSH
15x ISW
10x copperhead 'Mericans
10x windmills

Mosey back to the back.  Count off by two's.
Max pull ups.  Big efforts guys. 
Many new PR's.  Good job.
Re-count off by three's.
1's grab a block and starting running to the clubhouse.
2's follow running backwards
3's follow running sideways(side hopping?)
Switch as needed. 
Pretty impressed that everyone pushed it, only requiring one rotation for the 1/2 mile run.
Running backwards up the hill is always a #CrowdPleaser

Recover during the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you to our soldiers and soldier families.  Please pray for our leaders, no matter who they are or what color their tie is.

Mosey around the trail for a remix of Vortex's Over-the-Shoulder-Boulder-Holder.
Half grab a rock in each hand and do shoulder lifts to the side.
– Other half run around the clubhouse.  Flip flop.
Half do runner's lifts (one rock to front, one to the back).
– Other half runs.  Flip flop.
Half grab a big rock and do curls.
– Other half runs. FF.
** Lots of comments about the workouts this week.  Lots of little sore spots.  Good leads by the Q's.  Good efforts by the pax.

Burpee broad jumps uphill, on wet grass, through the bottleneck (shortcut) to the front of the clubhouse.
** little scare when the sprinklers started turning on…fortunately, they were just for the beds and not for us.
Recover with 10 reverse toe touchers.
** several comments about no one wanting to be near Skipper…too late to change his name to Hershey Squirts?

Gather up the blocks and head back, same sort of 'running' back.  Again, just one rotation to make it home.
Especially Impressive as the fatigue was greater on the way home for sure.

Block over fun.
Set the three blocks about 10 feet apart, on an edge so they are sticking up about 12 inches.
– Hop overs (several varieties)
** GoodWrench pulls a LightBulb and mentions that we could lift them on the other edge (20" maybe).  Great idea.
– More hop overs
– bear crawl, crawl bear
– side plank walks, pax contributes more ideas by doing 'mericans on one side, side plank walking over, doing another one.  Nice.
– maybe some other stuff, can't remember, was getting dizzy

Return the blocks to their homes.
Do another max pull up set.
I think most were expecting 1 since it was the end of the workout, but were pleasantly surprised to do more than expected.
I did 75% of my first round.  Others seemed to do similarly.

Return for Mary.
15x LBC, right into…
10x Freddy Mercury
10x DR W
10x fire hydrants, both sides
60s American Hammers

– F3 Lincolnton starting May 7th?  Send email addresses of anyone you know in that area.  Clark will be asking for some leads.  Keep an eye on emails and we'll be sending some Convergence teams.
– UFC Guys Night next Sat 4/23.  Details coming soon.

Reflection:   John 15: 1-2
I am the true Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so that it will bear more fruit [even richer and finer fruit].
– Jesus is the true vine, your source for life.  There are a lot of things that can give you pleasure or a sense of accomplishment…temporarily.  Jesus gives eternal life.  He is the True Vine.
– Here is a link to the current sermon series at Harvest Cove "Thrive"  Amazing stuff fellas.  Come join us if you are looking for a church home.  Across from Rock Springs Elementary School.  http://www.harvestcove.org/?sermons-category=thrive

– Nice pre-running with Vortex and Skipper.
– I think it was the running with block and backwards running…when pitching whiffle balls from my knees to machine pitch boys, my toes kept curling up and cramping. Maybe it was the dehydration too.  Maybe it was running up that steep section at the clubhouse.
– It was a real honor to lead you guys.  I am always impressed how everyone works together and helps one another. 

Have an amazing week.  Be the amazing leader God has made you to be.