“The Last Castle”

Event Date

Apr 19, 2016


12 men (including Trickle and Recon; y'all need to signup on F3Isotope) arrived in the nice and comfy 50 degree gloom for a remake of a classic scene from the 2001 movie "The Last Castle". More or less a compilation of "picking things up and putting them down" after carrying them over a set distance.  Q was amazed that NO ONE had ever seen the movie!!!  Anyways here's how it happened:

Warm-o-rama (all IC):

SSH x20; CP's x15; Mt. Climbers x15; Tony Hawkes x10

All PAX mosey to back playground to retrieve a 33# block and bring back to parking lot where they are assembled into a makeshift pile at one end of parking lot.  


PAX lines up single-file the length of the parking lot.  Q provides direction that each PAX is to carry all 12 blocks from one end of the parking lot to the other (approximately 25 yards) by their method of choice (single, double, triple if you dare)  DISCLAIMER: carrying blocks is dangerous work!!!  Meanwhile, the remainder are doing OYO exercises initially called out by Q.  But there's a twist, one block is painted orange, and whenever that block is in motion the PAX carrying it audibles a new exercise for the PAX to perform until the next PAX member is carrying it.

Since Skipper was furtherest away from the block pile, he got to be the Q's guinea pig and provide the demo while the PAX did air squats.  Q quickly realized that going one PAX at a time was not going to cut it, so each subsequent round was performed by 2 PAX at a time moving blocks to opposite ends (believe some may have lost count when the blocks they had just moved were gone when they return with more).  The OYO exercises consisted as follows:

Air Squats, Mercans, LBC's, In-place Lunges, Mt. Climbers, Low Country Crab Cakes, SSH's, Low Flutters, Hold Plank, Burpees and two others I can't recall.

Q turned over to Vortex for the finisher; who made good use of the blocks before returning them.

Low Curls x10 IC

High Curls x10 IC

Full Curls x10 IC


6MOM (all IC):

Stranded turtles x16, box cutters x10, right fire hydrant x10, left fire hydrant x10, low dolly x15

American Hammer to finish it out



"It's difficult to understand the the sum of a person's life.  Some people will tell you it's measured by the ones left behind.  Some believe it can be measured in faith.  Some say by love.  Other folks say life has no meaning at all.  Me?  I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measured themselves by you."  -Unknown

No matter who you are; someone is looking up to you for guideance, discipline or leadership.  Do we always recognize this?  No.  Do we always do the right thing?  Probably not.  But what we can do is practice being the man God calls us to be.  As in Luke 6 – 37: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged.  Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.  Forgive, and you will be forgiven.  Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the meaure you use, it will be measured to you."



PAX was quite verbal today, so y'all need to be sounding off in the comments cause Q can't remember it all.

Cheetah sets the standard of the "triple" block carry early on.  Several others also performed this feat.

Q was a little worried when Skipper rolled back in line after moving blocks and was non-verbal for about 3 minutes.  

Recon finished us out making quite an impressive Jenga block tower, and did the Q a favor with a Burpee audible.

As always, it was a honor to lead and be led by you guys.
