Chariot Races Visit St. Mark

Not uncommon to the #Gladiator faithful is the beatdown known in the small circle as The Chariot Race, but before we get started we must visit #TheArena for warm-o-rama Gladiator style.

SSH x 50 In Cadence (IC)

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

Toy Soldier x 15 IC

Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 IC

Blast Off Merican x 10 IC

And now…to the chariots…

Partner up:

P1 – run to first median (~40 yds) and back

P2 – Squats

Flap Jack

Team Goal = 100 Single Counts

However, it never fails that more than likely because the PAX is still getting loose, no one can ever seem to get into a proper deep squat.  Perhaps more directly, we are all a bunch of cheaters.  So we must be instructed on a proper squat form.

P1 – run to first median

P2 – Deep Squats

Flap Jack

Team Goal = 75 SC

Now that we understand that we can get closer to the ground, let's dig a little deeper.

P1 – run

P2 – Squat Thrust

Flap Jack

Team Goal = 50 SC

But, wait…what's that you say?  We can get even closer to the ground?  Show me.

P1 – run

P2 – Squat Thrust w/ hand release Merican at the bottom

Team Goal = 25 SC

There is no way possible we can get closer to the ground, can we?  NO, but we can get higher at our finish.

P1 – run

P2 – Burpee w/ knee slap at the top jump

Team Goal = 15 SC

One of the many benefits of moving #Gladiator is that we now have pull-up bars within a much closer mosey distance…let's see if we can get even higher.

P1 – run

P2 – pull ups or chin ups

Team Goal = 12

So we went up, let's bring it back down slow.

P1 – run

P2 – WW2 sit ups

Team Goal = 25

Next we need to get closer to our standing position again, so let's work on crunching.

P1 – run

P2 – LBC

Team Goal = 50

Now that we got down (btw all the while listening to hot beat provided by YHC) and up, let's get back down to some Mary:

Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Let's finish with a Toxic and Travolta fav, "Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down" – Merican version only, one song.

And that concludes your Chariot Race play by play.

1. Strong showing by all today!  Some new faces at #Gladiator so I hope you enjoyed, looking forward to seeing you again, and would love to see you take the lead!!