Welcome Back HandsomeRob…now let’s Murph

Event Date

Apr 25, 2016

Not registered on the site yet, Oldies (Future F3Lincolnton PAX member) and HandsomeRob!!!!

Little did the PAX know, but HandsomeRob surprised us with posting today.  C# texted him last week and just got real with him.  I don't think Cyclone, Dutch, Abrams or Oldies ever worked out with him before. Interestingly it was Abrams who was originally EH'd by HandsomeRob, some 2 years ago.  Either way it's great to have you back out.  That was scary, and we discussed just how scary that situation was.  A back operation which resulted in blood clots in the leg, that then traveled to the lungs (PE).  According to google a PE results in 24% fatality rate.  We are thankful you were on the good side of the statistics with that one.

Not seeing C#'s car I thought he was fartsacking again…but alas there he was arriving with HandsomeRob arriving at near Clark time (but they were still early by 1 minute).  So we all were in awe for all of 1 minute when YHC looks at the time and says…"well it's go time…"

And we were off…well Abrams was off, literally, if the dude had wings he might have got enough lift to actually fly.  YHC tried to catch up, but Abrams ~6:30 pace was just too fast for me.

We arrived at CSES and decided that since HandsomeRob was returning and it was oldies 1st ever Murph without knowing what it was that we may need to elect 20 rounds of 5-10-15 instead of 10.  I think we will keep the 20 round timer with this disclaimer "If you want to do 10 rounds then just start each round on the odd number of rounds."  We finished up and at least YHC did a much slower mile on the way back.

And in case any of you other NoCo clowns are reading this, we use a HIIT timer in Denver.  It makes it so we know we finish on time.  Things are slower in Lincoln County…like internet, and we eat Blue Bell Ice Cream…so a timer forces us to not slack off and finish just in time.

Moleskin…see above

Proverbs 16:6

By Mercy and truth iniquity is atoned for; And by fear of Jehova men depart from evil.

