TPR’s Version of The Horseshoe

Event Date

Apr 28, 2016

Last month I posted for my first Horseshoe at PAINinsula, thank you Free Pass. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was planning to do it the next time it rolled aorund, then I ran in Summit Coffee’s Leprechaun Loop and discovered we had the opportunity for a Horseshoe inspired workout here in TPR!! Our weekly email came out, yes that is how we communicate here, and I saw I had the Thur. 5:15 workout, which meant I had the option to lead for an hour…perfect to introduce the TPR Modified Horseshoe. As I headed to the workout, I decided to check the distance. I turned down Walnut, took a right onto Goodrum, left on Spring and followed that up the hill to Walnut…that’s when it hit me, why not extend this madness across Walnut and then South to run down to the bottom of Spring. Brilliant!!! Calling an audible before the workout had me wondering if I would be allowed to call another one during the workout. Mr. Burns, can you give me an official ruling?

We circled up for a quick warm-o-rama of SSH, Windmill, IST, and stretching. Off we went down Lorimer, turning right on Woodland. I gave Scrum and P’Diddy a head start because, you know, they need it when running with me!! We gathered up at the corner of Woodland and Spring so I could explain what was coming next. I didn’t do the best job as the first round was a lap, not a reverse of the course but correcting guys along the way got us on track.

Here’s how it went:

Under the streetlight just up from the corner of Woodland and Spring was Pain Sation 1. Run up the Spring St. hill, cross over South and Walnut, down Spring St. around the corner and turn right to run up the Goodrum St hill, stopping at Walnut for Pain Sation 2.

PS1 – 20 Merkins

Run the extended horseshoe

PS2 – 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s

Run the extended horseshoe

PS1 – 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 20 Squats

Run the extended horseshoe

PS2 – 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 20 Squats, 20 Mason Twists

Run the extended horseshoe

PS1 – 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 20 Squats, 20 Mason Twists, 20 Squats, 20 Mtn Climbers

Run the extended horseshoe but now we were dropping the first exercises. Those of you that have run the original Horseshoe knows how it goes, for those of you that don’t…search it amongst the BB.

The numbers…4.5 miles of hill work (call it BRR training), 100 Merkins, LBC’s Squats, Mason Twists, and Mtn. Climbers. 


  • I accomplished what I set out to do, find an AO in TPR for BRR training. How’s that for an over useage of acronyms?
  • Scrum and P’Diddy lead the way with Scrum pulling ahead after the third go round, then he ran an extra leg to pick up us slow guys.
  • T-Claps to Canuck, who is not that far removed from knee surgery for running this madness
  • Lot’s of grumbling during the workout. One pax informed me he had a whole new opinion of me but did not elaborate any further, and another said I confirmed to him this morning that I am indeed crazy.
  • After this morning and some of the other brutual workouts this week, the Pain Lab may be full tomorrow
  • Gentlemen, Thank You! I am always humbled to start my morning in such good company.
  • For those of you that don’t know, Scrum and P’Diddy don’t need a head start, those two are strong and FAST runners.