Suns out guns out at Thunderdome

Event Date

Apr 27, 2016

3 showed for a sunny beat down at the Thunderdome.Warm-o-Rama -10 Mericans (ic) -short mosey around the parking lot -around the world planks -20 single count squatsThe beat down8 stations:1) strict double shoulder press (35lb kb)2) kb swing (71lb, switch to 40 when tired)3) thruster (55lb kb)4) hr mericans5) pendulum lunges (50lb kb)6) bent over row (60lb sb)7) front rack squat (80lb sb)8) rotational lunge (40lb sb)Round 1: each exercise for 1 minute, rest 10 seconds for switch. Quick mosey around the parking lot.Round 2: each exercise for 1 minute, 10 seconds rest switch. Run down the steps, 1/4 mile lap around track, back up the steps.Round 3: 40 seconds each exercise, 10 seconds to switch. Sprint to the end of the parking lot, sprint back.Mary round the horn. -low flutter x 30 ic -Freddy mercury × 20 ic -lbc x 20 ic -low dolly x I did about 12 ic but I think Mr burns and two buck chuck may still be there doing them -1 minute plankThanks to Two Buck Chuck and Mr Burns for coming out. Hard work as always from you guys, not to mention they were both trying to get the bones moving again after the HTL. You both are always a pleasure and an inspiration to work with.Hope we didn’t lunge the remaining toe nail off of Mr Burns’ big toe.Mary is not as fun on the parking lot after the 86 degree sun has been beating down on it.Thanks for letting me lead