#Tradition at Fallout

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  And after a long time away, YHC returned to the best AO that has ever been in O to lead a Pax of 14 + YHC through an oldie but goodie.  Here is their story:

22:57 Monday Evening: Calypso asks if there is a standard

23:03 After a few minutes of thinking i would ignore him and go to sleep, I responded with yes.

0500: 9 men take on a 2.3ish Standard with no #PB.  I guess when #TheStandard is the standard you don't need to call for it.

0529: After a little chatter it clicks with Stray that we will be doing one of my favorite WIBs.  He said, "You aren't going to kamikazi us are you?"  It was too wet, too sloppy, and too perfect not to take it on.


Good Morning Burpee (Outlaw approved)

The Thang

Run to the first hill, 10 squats, run back

Run to the first hill, 10 squats, wheelbarrow up, 10 merkins, run down the hill, 10 squats, run back

Run to the first hill, 10 squats, wheelbarrow up, 10 merkins, run to the second hill, 10 squats, run back to first hill, 10 merkins, run down, 10 squats, run back

You get the idea

Total of 170 squats & 150 Merkins and 3.1miles of running.


Calypso led flutter kicks to run out the clock.

Fertilizer irratated moleskin:

Great to be back at Fallout, the hills are a favorite of mine and even though I couldn't seem to stay on my feet, it was great.

Tclaps to Spongebob and El Chapo for smoking the rest of us.  Your reward, go get the 6!

So I keep hearing BRR training is on going, but I am not seeing Red Cedar out with his team. Although the rest of Lex's team is looking strong. 

Hall Monitor & Winnebago, Spongebob seems very eager to complete the HTL.  Make sure to get him on board.  Landshark and I will pick up people in Calypso's meat wagon.

The Stephens Grove Tundra Crew were in full force today, 3/3.  And 2 more with me & mooch.  I'm thinking we need a workout there!

Frogger, sorry you got so much weaker by running.  wear a ruck next time.  I'll sell you one.

Blackbeard, sorry about the comments on your driving abilities, i may have exaggerated the awfulness associated with your van driving ability.  On the other hand i may have been totally fair.  Good luck to your team this year, we will save you a beer.

I'm always honored to lead the fine men of Isotope.  Thanks to 66 for giving me the reins and leading Fallout on a weekly basis.  As always, thanks Black Eyed Pea for inviting me to my first F3 workout, it was a life changing day for me and I thank each one of you who has made an impact on me.  That being said, we are called to grow.  Don't be afraid to share this gift, there are men praying for it right now! 
