The Foundry: Bunyan Bolts, Bests PAX on Every Sprint

PAX LIST CONT.:  (1) FNG-1:  BandWagon and (2) FNG-2:  Spurrier from Greensboro



12 crazies came to Lake Forest Church on Friday, April 29, 2016 with one thing in mind:  Let's get after it hard and climb the figurative mountain.  This workout proved to be very difficult.  We started off slow and then were catapaulted into pain-topia very quickly via YHC.

Warmorama:  Mosey up the parking lot in serpentine fashion with a series of backwards run, regular, side stepping, butt kickers, karaoke, high knee, and skipping up to the pull up bars.

The warm up continued with SSH, Downward dog/Good morning stretches.

The Thang:  



Partner A:  Run a full lap

Partner B:  5 toes to bar, 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins



Partner A:  Run a full lap (minus one parking aisle making the run a bit shorter)

Parnter B:  20 WW2 situps


We did repeato for rounds 3-6, but kept subtracting one parking aisle and I modified the exercises to account for the shorter runs. 


PAX is on the line.  Sprint each to each corner and we stop at each corner to do the following:


Short lengths:  10 burpees

Longer lengths:  6 burpess


Short lengths:  15 merkins

Longer lengths:  10 merkins



Ty Webb, Caboose and Spurrier LEAVE for some job training event that starts at 7AM. 

(3)  THE BOX

People's Chair, Derkins x 10 in cadence, People's Chair (Touch them heels x 10 in cadence) and Zuul had an exercise here. Can't remember.  Maybe I shouldn't wait so long to backblast.


We did 5-6 minutes of MARY with planks, dying cockroach, J-LO, and a few others.

COT:  Zuul

Scraptastical Moleskin:

(1) Bunyan won almost every sprint.  He couldn't be caught by anyone. I tried to grab his shirt tale a few times to no avail.  Very impressed and noticed your speed.

(2) Ty Weezie made a valiant effort on a few sprints.  Nice work.

(3)  Welcome to F3 Isotope Spurrier.  Sorry that there was not a lot of mumble chatter.  Next time hit the General with all the RESPECTS and the other PAX looking for an easy load. Just saying. The FOUNDRY is the #RedPill Friday workout for bootcamps now that the Paininsula is on Tuesdays. 

(4) Iron City was looking strong as well.  Sorry for the name gaffe.  Steele City / Iron City…same thing.

(5)  Bandit rolled up just as we took off – always fashionably late.

(6) Toes to Bars + Pull-ups + Merkins + Sprints = A hairy chest. 

Stay thirsty my friends and yes, this workout may have put some hair on your chest, too.  I'm talking to you Caboose with your Aryan heritage.  Not sure what I mean by that except you don't seem like the type of man with a hairy chest (in only the literal sense of course). 

Love this AO.  The Foundry is the black diamond of F3 Isotope.  Ty Webb and his house of pain deliver every week.  The Q's are consistent here in brining the hardest beatdowns.  Bam Bam has the lockdown here as well.  I've learned a lot about Q'ing from Bam Bam.  Speaking of which, you were missed.  Hope I delivered to your standard.

DEEP THOUGHTS with SCRAPPY:   Remember, there is no plateau in life.  That's a ficitional theory.  You are either moving up the proverbial mountain in your fitness level or fallng back down the proverbial mountain.  This applies to other areas of your life as well. 

Men, I encourage you.  Keep pushing yourself men.  Keep posting.  Keep pounding.  Keep telling your body that you are stronger than you think you are.  We post for one reason:  Because WE CAN and many many other people in this country are unable to do so due to sickness, poverty, disability, or disconnection. 

We are THANKFUL for the opportunity and PRAISE GOD for giving us the strength to be courageous men.  We hold each other accountable and we are like iron sharpening iron.  No man is better than the next man, just faster.  

Do something today for someone else that does NOT deserve your love, time, or patience because Christ did the same for you.
