Heavy Liftin’

12 PAX gather in the gloom for a complex beat down to themselves.

Merkins, Side Straddle Hop's, Squats, Lunges
The Thang:
-Carry the 40 lb weights to the hillside
– Pass them clumisly back to the ..well, the back. (Have @lear throw the ladder down)
– Pick the stuff up and pass them forward
– Repeato
Wander and Mosey to a circle and pass the stuff clockwise to the right, then to the left.   Sweat beginning to occur.
– Lower ourselves to the Pendium
– Pyramid Pendilums with 5 Squats, 10 Merkins, 15 Carolina Dry Docks and 20 LBC's and then go back down.  Much Sweat 
Indiana run with 3 weights visiting all the thorn bushes in the forest
Circle of Pain passing weights clockwise and then counter clockwise
Lay on the hill and pass them over your heads
Sit on the hill and pass to the right and the left
Return to the circle and have Mary, much Mary.

Thank you, gentlemen. Always an honor!
The Santiago