On the Ninth, We Had Ten for Elevens

Event Date

May 09, 2016





10 IC MC



Mosey over to the elementary school

Stop at benches for:


10 STEP UPs (each leg)

Head to playground

ELEVENS:  11 reps combined of two exercises beginning with 10 PULL UPS and 1 SIT-UP, then 9 PULL UPS and 2 SIT-UPS… and so on down to 1 PULL UP and 10 SIT-UPS.  In between rounds, PAX runs 1 lap around the ball field (approximately 1/6 mile per lap)

Head back to AO stopping at benches for:



6 MOM:

10 IC Peter Parkers (Q)

10 IC Low Flutters (Dutch)

10 IC Freddie Mercury (Mulligan)

10 IC Low Dolly (Diesel)

10 IC Box Cutters (C#)

10 IC Homer-Marge-Mr. Burns (Clark)

30 sec Mason Twist (Q)




13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, 14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 15 And he laid his hands on them and went away.

Today is a tough day.  The reflection verse that I selected was based on the news that a large portion of F3Nation was planning to get together to support our F3 Isotope brother, Olive, following the loss of his child. 

Following our reflection this morning, some of our brothers let me know that we had also experienced a loss a little closer to home.   Bullseye’s daughter (Goodwrench’s niece), Khaleda, was called home to be with the Lord yesterday morning. 

I can’t even begin to fathom the heartache that parents and close family members deal with at a time such as this.  In following Amanda’s blog and in speaking with Dan (Goodwrench) throughout their journey with Khaleda, the true and complete faith that I have witnessed from the Assells and the Barkers has been nothing short of inspiring. 

Please continue to pray for Michael, Amanda, Dan, Lauren and the rest of their family as well as for our F3 brother, Olive, and the Latini family.



– Great efforts by all today.  However, lapping the Q is to be discouraged. #PenaltyLapsForSuperstars

– Kudos to C#, Mulligan and Clark for getting in some pre-run running

– Thought about stopping by new-guy Clubber's abode to rouse him from the fartsack but figured we'd give him the chance to explain this F3 thing to his M first. 

– I don't know about anyone else but I'm not sure it's physically possible to do the Mason Twist immediately following the Homer-Marge-Burns #LegsWon'tStayUp

– If I forgot anyone or anything, please sound off.  Forgot to get a count but I think it was ten.  Of course, if I was wrong, the title of this workout just doesn't work…

– As always, it's an honor to lead and a privilege just be a part of this great organization.