Motorboat takes the lead in mumblechatter

Event Date

May 10, 2016

NOTE:  Chef Boyardee was present but is not yet a registered user of   We must get this corrected, as he is a professional Balls-to-the-Waller.


Two souls crawled from the dark shadows of the early morn to take on the sidewalks and shopping centers of Race City for The Standard.  2.57 miles of concrete were stomped while tales of intrigue, pain, accomplishment, and Cadre BS were spun by one warrior who took on the HTL.  These tales left YHC with two important realizations:

  • Manhands is one of my heroes in many, many ways – a goal driven leader and family man that I'm proud to know.
  • I'm completely at peace with the decision to avoid the HTL at all costs. 

Five more grizzled, iron sharpened warriors who also insipre me to be better arrived for the morning festivities.  Here is how it went down:

  • SSH X20 IC
  • Spider Man Merkin X10
  • Plank, Right, Center, Left, Center
  • Windmill X15 IC
  • Goblet Squat X20 IC

The Thang

Mosey around the square to Lowes Food side wall

  • Preacher Chair – 1 minute
  • 30/60/90
  • 90/60/30
  • Preacher Chair – 1 minute
  • Mosey back to circle
  • 30 KB Swings, run to fountain, 15 Dips, return
  • Repeato
  • 20 curls, run to fountain, 10 step-ups each leg, return
  • Repeato
  • 30 low flutter/bell presses, run to fountain, 15 incline merkins, return
  • Repeato, but do your incline merkins in diamond fashion
  • 20 military presses, run to fountain, 20 LBCs
  • Repeato
  • Mosey to Lowes foods for more preacher chair
  • Balls to wall (it was here that Chef Boyardee showed his skills and let out a Barbaric YAWP)
  • Mosey back to circle


  • J-Lo X20 IC
  • W x15 IC  (tried to make it an "LW" but it looked silly)
  • LBC X20IC
  • WWII (thanks Motorboat) X some number of reps but nobody could figure out how many because everybody had a different cadence
  • 6 knuckle dragging bell dragging merkins (thanks Manhands, who dragged his bag around all morning)



  • Great F2 during the standard
  • Motorboat cashed in his mumblechatter coupons and got his money's worth, taking some of the pressure off Manhands in that department.
  • Heard some pots and pans clanging from Tick Tock's direction – needs lubrication but still bringing the intensity every day
  • Lomax giving serious thought to his virgin Q.  I can sense it is approaching soon at an AO near you.
  • Dewey always appears like he's not even winded.  You can't break that guy.
  • Chef Boyardee – having fun and getting acclimated.  I like it. 
  • We continue to pray for F3Olive and his family.  It was inspiring to see the turnout at yesterday's convergence.  Reach out to a brother in need.
  • BS on Big Mean, who told me yesterday not to get any ideas from yesterday's KB workout at 131, then was absent.  (I'm not bitter – F3 is just always better with him around…just sayin')
  • Sign up to Q.  Go to the "Calendar" link above and just throw your name in on one of our workouts.  You'll be glad you did. 

LW Out