PR day at Excelsior

Event Date

May 14, 2016

5 men turned out on this perfect, cool Saturday morning in hopes to PR a 4 mile course!  Oh and to celebrate Puerto Ricans(your welcome Professor)

The PR format was explained as such: 

each man determine their average pace. From that, the slowest pace takes off first so that they finished by 0640. (9min/mile leaves  at 0604, 8:30min/mile leaves at 0608, etc)


SSH x 15

Toy Soldier x 15

Hand Release Merkins x 10

Windmill x 10

mosey to start line and start as mentioned above!


PR'd Man Moleskin

1. Strong work by Magnus as he heads out first.  tough being the rabbit, because you always go out fast!

2. Sponge Bob is fast! YHC did 4 miles in 31:29 and he finished ahead of me by at least 30 seconds!

3. Of course, Professor and Turnpike bring up the six!  But those guys ran at least 7:24 pace!

4.  Good work by all getting after it this morning!  Keep pressing and running hard men.  It's race season!

5. Thanks for letting me Q the final day of my birthday week Turnpike!

proud to lead you men today!  Don't be afraid to EH any man! #GiveItAway!