The speaker needed a trash bag cover today!

While we thought we might get a break from the rain, that wasn't the case, so an FNG (now known as Jessup – named after Col. Jessup (Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men) because Jessup is a Marine AND an actor.  Nice work everyone today, and here's how it went down.

  • Mosey to back of church to find KBs prepped and ready, along with a speaker that had a white trash bag over it to keep it dry.  
  • Queue the music 
    • SSH X 25 IC
    • Burpees X 10 OYO
    • IST X 15 IC
    • Burpees X 8 OYO
    • CP X 15 IC
    • Burpees X 6 OYO
Da Thang
  • Desending Curb Crawl (10 merkins / 9 KB shoulder press, etc. down to zero) 
    • Bear Crawl to curb / Merkins / Bear Crawl back to KB / KB shoulder press
  • Partner Up 
    • Partner 1 – KB Swings AMRAP
    • Partner 2 – run around church
    • Flap Jack
    • Repeato
  • Merkins X 10IC
  • Partner Up
    • Hillbarrows
      • While partner 2 holds legs of Partner 1, hillbarrow up and 10 derkins on top, hillbarrow back down without letting go of legs the entire time.
      • Flap jack
    • KB Squats X 10 IC
    • Repeato
  • Run around church
  • Freddie Mercuries X 25IC
  • Merkins X 5IC
  • Merkin Holds X 5 reps for 10 seconds on bottom
    • YHC calls down, counts to 10 while everyone holds low merkin, back up.  Downward dog to rest for 5 seconds, back down.  5 times.
  • Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 second rest) – first time doing this with an App – I think it worked.
    1. KB Right Arm Curls
    2. KB Left Arm Curls
    3. Burpees
    4. KB Lawnmower R Arm
    5. KB Lawnmower L Arm
    6. Burpees
    7. KB one arm shoulder press
    8. KB one arm shoulder press
  • COT
  • Friday brought a KB that didn't even look like a kettlebell it was so big!  55 pound blue ball.  Uncle Rico had some serious envy, and after a while…he decided to take over the big blue ball and rep a few out with it.
  • Good to see Overbudget out there again as the knee continues to heal up.  I think it was a Vietnam injury.  Bummed knee or not, still strong and is likely at Dick's right now picking up a 60lb KB to one up Friday.
  • Hillbarrows got some BS calls.  Friday questioned us not doing Squerkin Hillbarrows, but I just felt the Squerkin portion of it just seemed to be crossing the line a bit, so instead, we did KB squats.  when your partner is Uncle Rico – well I didn't want it to end badly for me if he felt "weird" about the exercise. Doing Hillbarrows up, 10 derkins, and back down the hill was PLENTY for the pax minus the Squerk.
  • Uncle Rico had impeccible hillbarrow form of course.  The dude is a giant.
  • Bam Bam still hasn't signed up for The Mighty Oak Q.  And next Thursday, i have the Dragonslayer for the 3rd week in a row, but who's counting 🙂  1 Year F3versary for me next Thursday at GCC – where it all started one year ago!  
  • Jessup (former FNG) said during our partner up KB swings / running – "cardio is my weakness right now…"  Yep, sounds familiar and likely the case for most of us when we first started.  If you stick with this at least a few times a week, improvements will be seen very quickly!  As a former gym rat, cardio is so limited, but when you basically go 45 minutes straight, whether swinging a bell, running, doing Freddie Mercuries or whatever…the heart gets a workout!  Nice job!
  • Croc talked me into doing some TABATA today, ehem…he wasn't there today though…and I think it worked out well.  With the App beeping when it's time to rest/start back up, and the integration of music…it's a solid future option for me to bring into workouts (i.e., next week Thursday at GCC)
  • Solid work by all today!
  • Olive – you were in our hearts and minds today!  "Let's Get Ridiculous" by LMFAO came on today during the workout so thought of you and your beautiful angel.  #manyprayers

Until next time (next Thursday i guess at GCC) – Ditka's out!