Square Dancing, Merlot Splashing in Hill Country

In a world where middle aged men find it difficult to decouple from their daily responsibilities and spend some time sharpening their own minds and hearts rather than that of their families and communities even if for a short while, one organization fills that void nicely.  F3 Race City did it again today, with four tough-as-nails standard runners taking on the pre-gloom for over 3 miles of BRR training, and a total of fourteen taking on THE ROCK.   We were thankful that one FNG elected to join us as well.   Welcome Zach Francis – another one of Pierogi's recruits from the farm country down yonder near Trump's links.  (more on Zach later).

The Standard completed, Mailman arrived barely on time and confused the Q with his glove-related queries.  Anyway, into the COP:

  • SSH  X5 IC
  • 15 Burpees OYO
  • SSH  X15 IC
  • Windmill X10 IC
  • Cotton Picker X10 IC
  • 30 KB Swings OYO
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Goblet Squat X15 IC
  • 30 KB Swings OYO

Raise Kettle Bells skyward, walk to second corner of the square.


  • Beginning at corner one, perform 10 merkins and 20 curls.  Leave your bell.
  • Run around the square, stopping at each corner to perform 10 merkins.
  • When arriving back at your bell, advance it to the next corner Zamparini style.   At the next corner perform 20 curls and 10 merkins.  Leave your bell behind.
  • Continue around square doing 10 merkins at each corner.

Continue advancing your bell until you return to the beginning corner.  For those choosing their own adventure and advancing on a faster face to show off, switch to skull crushers and gob squats and continue advancing.  Q calls time at 6:08.  Return to the shaded circle.


  • KB Press/Low Flutter X20 IC
  • MasonTwist X15 IC
  • WWII X11 IC
  • LBC X20 IC
  • American Phycho (courtesy Pierogi – Plank, flex one arm, pickle pounder) X10 IC
  • Rosalita X10 IC  – Manhands unscuccessful in distracting YHC
  • Elbow Plank 45 seconds


  • I'll take his word for it, but I'm sure Manhands is telling the truth when he says he looks better naked.
  • Welcome Zach Francis to the Pax.  Don't worry – everybody tosses their cookies on their first post.  Really. It just so happens it was a first for me too!  #Qbadgeofhonor.   Zach is a real estate agent, has one offspring and lives within binoculars view of Pierogi's bathroom window (and vice versa).
  • Kotters Mailman
  • Be there next week for Lomax's Virgin Q.  Given some of the stories he told Hummer and me at today's coffeeteria, he mixes with some shady characters every day so I'm sure he'll visit some small town justice upon the Pax.
  • Saturday Q will be at YMCA, courtesy of Dewey and Kahuna (who?).  Come out and work out among 500+ flags to celebrate those who gave us the freedom that we hold dear, and sometimes take for granted.
  • The BEAR is June 4 starting at Brawley Middle School, 0600. 
  • Really appreciate the opportunity to come out early in the morning, enjoy the pre-dawn gloom, get a lot of good laughs, and work my butt off with some truly great men. 


LW Out