A Splash and a Dash with an EMOM Blast

Event Date

May 28, 2016


Sat morning saw the kickoff of our mini Triathlons, F3 style.  Two emerged from the gloom to splash around the buoy and back followed by a quick bike dash to Westport before joining with the PAX, including one FNG, for a nice little EMOM beat down blast.  Lake water was a perfect 80 degrees and felt great.  Unfortunately, it was the best it will be all summer and will only get hotter going forward.  The bike ride awakened muscles that YHC hasn't used since hanging the bike up last fall and they weren't very happy about it.  Cheetah made a detour to Governor’s Island on the way back while YHC cut it short to make sure to be back in time to Q (at least that was the excuse I used).  The beat down went like this:

Warm Up

?? IC SSH (I think around 40.  We did them until Cheetah completed a call of nature and joined the PAX.  #PerformanceUnderPressure).
20 IC MC
Mosey to back to get block and return to parking lot

30 Min EMOM

Every minute on the minute we started a new exercise and did 6 rounds of 5 exercises including:
30 Merkins and then Plank until minute was up
25 Squats and then People's Chair until minute up
20 Sit-ups and then Mason Twist until minute up
15 Tri-fectas and hold block overhead until minute up
Parking lot suicide and then recover until minute up
repeat for 6 rounds total (not 5 – #HadAMetroMoment)
Return blocks to back

Meat Grinder

While at back AO we did a seven station meat grinder including:
20 Step-Ups or Box Jumps (rotation counter)
Hanging Toe Touches
Chair Dips
Inverted Rows
Decline Merkins
Zig-Zag Jumps
Pull Ups

Mosey back to front for extended Mary (GoodWrench correctly thought I was going to throw in some hill sprints but I changed my mind at last minute.  It had something to do with the aforementioned muscles associated with bike ride.)


20IC Freddy Mercs
20IC Low Dollies
15IC Hip Dip-L
15IC Hip Dip-R
30sec MT


John 15:13 – Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

As we observe Memorial Day weekend, we remember all of the men and women that lay down their lives in the service of our country to provide the blanket of freedom that we so much enjoy yet take so much for granted. May the Lord receive them unto His care wrapping them in His arms of everlasting Love and Grace!


  • Welcome FNG Dan!
  • GoodWrench unveils new Saturday strategy – Start at 7:30!
  • Was a bit optimistic on the Tri-fectas.  Hard to do 15 in one minute and maintain correct form.
  • YHC thought round 5 was last round and over exerted on what I thought was the last suicide.  Round 6 not fun!
  • FNG Dan smoking the suicides.  Offered to trade out his Trifectas for other’s suicides.  Almost took him up on it for Round 6.
  • T-claps to Cheetah for performance under pressure.
  • T-claps to REcon for EH of FNG Dan.  Will wait until REcon can help appoint F3 name.
  • Great effort by all.  It was a pleasure and honor to lead this morning!