
Event Date

May 31, 2016


A total of 9 men (including Undertaker) met in the gloom and decided to close out May by getting better.  Given all the upper body focus the last several days, thanks to Lightbulb, Atlantis and Lt. Michael Murphy, the Q decided a little leg work was in order.  Here's the run down:

Warm-o-rama (all are IC):

SSH x30

Mt Climbers X20

Stranded Turtles X10

Windmills X15

Parking Lot warmup included following up parking lot with a mossey back:  High Knees, Butt Kickers, Karaoke Left, Backwards run, Karaoke Right

Everyone to the back AO for a leg meat grinder.  A total of 9 stations with a one minute timer at each and an 8 second transition between.  All exercises were OYO with an emphasis on maintaining correct form and muscle targeting rather than quantity.  Stations included:

1. Side Straddles with resistance band around ankles to target outside hip flexors

2. Calf Raises each leg independently for approximately same duration

3. Left Leg hip flexors with resistance band (front, side, back, side)

4. Right leg hip flexors (same as 3)

5. In-place Lunges

6. Squats

7. Step-up with high knees kicks

8. Jump-ups

9. Zig-Zags

A total of two rounds were completed with a series of several suicides back at the front AO in between rounds and short hill sprints with burpees, iron chair, and monkey humpers after the second. 


WWI situps x10IC


Freddy Mercurys X????IC (Q and everyone else was heavily distracted by someone's trumpetering so counting was optional with these)


Not much mumble chatter part way thru the first round so I guess it was shaping up to be a pretty good workout.  Of course Skipper was at the helm of the SS Sarcasm and Dandilion was filling Clark's shoes by throwing out inappropriate comments right at the appropriate time.  Y'all can repeat them in the comments if you'd like.

Q reveals the true intent of the leg workout.  Apparently he has a difficult time completing all the prescirbed PT exercises to strengthen his weak hip on his own.  So what's he do; makes eveyone else do it with him.  #selfish #movitation #Qcandowhathewants

I felt as if several of the Pax were disappointed when the threat of Murph Part III was thrown out but never executed.

There was some mumbling about all the running, the Q and the energizer bunny.  Didn't catch it all.

Sound off in the comments for things I have missed


Proverbs 19:21

"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." 

No matter how well thought out your worldly plans may be, the level of preparation taken, the most finite details laid out; the unexpected could always occur.  These could be stuggles, diversions, joys or sorrows, but to the faithful they are the Lord's purpose.  Many in our community have been hit with pain and suffering this past month, but even thru these situations lies the perfect plan by our Lord.  We just have to have the faith and trust in the path he puts before us.

Such a great reward to lead today.  Thanks for the opportunity.
