Tour de Mustang

Event Date

Jun 01, 2016

While many others slept and recovered from The Memorial Day Murph, 10 strong men came out to endure some more pain and to get sore all over again.  The Pax was strong today with a FNG and a FND (What is a FND you may ask) – Friendly New Dog thanks to DoubleCheck – t-claps for the ones that made it out.

The Thing:

  • Run to the track – Side Straddle Hop, 20 Merkins on your own, 15 Burpees on your own, 20 Jump Squats
  • Head to Baseball Field for Quadraphelia.  9 of the Pax go up the hill backwards and continue to repeat while 1 of the Pax runs to the end of the road and back. Then sprint hallway and all the way 4x – Repeato until all of the Pax has run to the end of the road and back.
  • Run to the Restroom for Wall Sit, LBC – Repeato
  • Run to the pull up bar for burpee pull ups; Australian over unders and run the field while you wait – 10 min (6:05)
  • Run to do track Mary – Low Dolly (15x), LBC (15x), Freddy Mercury (10x), American Hammer (60s)

The Moleskin:

Light chatter from the bunch, except for a few moans and groans from the workout.

Doublecheck brought his dog -which we have now nicknamed “Cutler” – You don’t bring Lambo into a bunch of Panther Fans – this is not cheese country!  Cutler did take a dump on my Quadraphelia lane.

Good to have Brandon House join the group – now nicknamed Freebird

Romo – You need to create an account.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, nkjv) In this passage the Apostle Paul is writing about contentment through the peaks and valleys of life. He knows what it means to be in need and to have plenty. He has experienced being well fed and being hungry. Through real life lessons he “learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”

So, Philippians 4:13 does not mean—whatever I want to do, God will give me the strength to do it. Rather, whatever circumstance God brings into my life; whatever experience He takes me through, He will give me all the strength I need. I can embrace everyday with the strength that comes from my Father.

Always a pleasure to hang with you men in the gloom…until next time.