Summer Is Here

13 Braved the Humidity and warmth to get some body shaping in.   Welcome Brian, officially known now as Wing Nut.   His first post with the Memorial Day Murph.  The fact he came back is glorious.   Way to go Magnus and Dry Rub for bringing him.  

Here's the thang:

Mosey down the street for some warm up.  Omega caught on that i do the warm up close to houses to lessen the mumble chatter.   Typical warm up of SSH, Cotton Pickers, Storm Troopers, etc.  And then, The Geek started the chatter which lead YHC to finish cotton pickers and add monkey humpers a little close to The Geek's head.   You asked for it.   

Indian Run around several blocks to the Quad.   Mayhem's new route.    Quadriphilia half way around.  The Pax then had option to bear crawl, crab walk, side walk plank or mixture to the rails.   Hat Trick was timely busting the chops of those Pax who were wearing gloves in the summer.  Half way down he realized they were pretty smart.    Audibled three quarters down, longer than i thought.  

Find a rock, not traveling.   Move back up to bars for 4 sets of (all IC):

Pull Ups x 10

Inclined Merkins x 10

Curls x 10

Squat Press x 10

Drop rocks

Indian Run back to big hill.   Lunge walk half way.  Quadriphilia rest of the way to stop sign. Then WWIIx 25, lunge walk to next corner.  Mosey around back to AO, the long way.  


Low Flutters, LBC's, Rosalita's, Touch those Heels