Hodge Podge

14 including the pax list and REcon, Undertaker, and Comet participated in various swim, bike, and BEATdown combinations of The Hodge Podge.

6am: REcon, Atlantis, and I jump in the lake.

6:02am: LightBulb jumps in the lake…he was waiting for us at the front of the clubhouse.

6:21am: BigEasy joins us for some cycling fun around St. Peters and back  We had a pretty good peloton going.  We were all amazed by 'the power of the peloton'.  The amazing impact of being the 2nd or 3rd person in the line getting the 30% drag reduction (same speed at less effort).  Good fun men.

6:55am:  Time to return to our regulary scheduled program.  Big group today.  Awesome, awesome, awesome!  Summer is our big re-grouping time. 

7am:  Commence The Hodge Podge.  Disclaimer.


  • 15x (x = in cadence) SSH
  • 10x slow windmills
  • 10x alternating lunges
  • 10x merkins
  • 10x imperial squat walkers

Mosey to the small hill for some leg work:

  • karaoke up (left/right switch as needed) + mosey back
  • high knees and butt kickers up + mosey back
  • backwards run up….whoa…what a minute…what's that you suggest Skipper…the big hill?  SURE, backwards run up the big hill.  #CrowdPleaser #DontBlameMe

Run to the back playground, count off by 3's:

  • 1's max pull ups, 2's block trifectas, 3's LBC's
  • run the trail loop, Nascar-wise
  • 1's pull ups + jump ups, 2's 10x hanging rows (counters), 3's Freddie Mercury's
  • run the trail loop, counter-Nascar-wise
  • 8×8 merkin t-planks
  • 1's pull ups + jump ups, 2's 10x shoulder press (counters), 3's low flutters (?)

Blocks back…and…it's 7:24….#Groan…I was trying to keep a high pace and heart rate…#Accomplished

Head to the front for 30-second Star Gazer.

…and now, the running, muahahaha…

True Indian Run…s-l-o-w up front, last guys does 3 push ups, then sprints to the front. (we haven't done many of these lately). 

Indian Run through Silver Jade to the first road on the left.  Circle up at the bottom of the cul-de-sac.

  • 10x Tony Hawks

Indian Run up Rustling Woods to Ivey Hollow on the left. 

  • Side hop a-l-l the way down and back, switching left and right as needed. #CrowdPleaser #TheyThoughtIWasJoking

Indian Run back to the road on the left

  • 10x staggered merkins (5 each side)

JAILBREAK about 50 yards to The Teardrop Cul-de-Suck, where even tears go to cry.

  • 4 minutes of quadraphelia with 1 minute reminders
  • "you already said 2 minutes" #NiceTry #YesThisIsHorrible #ThatsKindaThePoint
  • Q tears of joy when I heard someone ask Abrams "What was your running plan tomorrow/Sunday morning?" and then a clear "It WAS to…." followed by a lesser revised plan…muahahaha

Back to the AO for a quick 3 minutes of Mary, double-time

  • 10x LBC
  • 10x box cutters
  • 10x low dollys
  • 30seconds of 'merican Hammers

Reflection:  Ephesians 5:1-2

First, ESV:

  • Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Now, AMPlified: 

  • Therefore become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]; and walk continually in love [that is, value one another—practice empathy and compassion, unselfishly seeking the best for others], just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God [slain for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance.

I like taking a peek at the Amplified version.  It helps me to slow down and digest the words better.  I remember being a boy and wanting to be just like me dad.  I'd spit like Dad.  I'd play baseball with Dad.  I'd try to play cards like Dad.  I wanted to laugh and be fun like Dad.  I just wanted to be like him.  Helped me put that same idea in the same context with Christ.  Hope it was something you guys could relate to as well.  Imitating God and His grace, mercy, and love.  It's a lifelong pursuit.  Are you one of His beloved children?  Do you try to copy Him and follow His example?



  • I had a lot of fun today.  Swimming…fun.  Biking…fun.  BEATdown…fun.  Just love hanging out with you guys and struggling through the intense workouts we subject ourselves to everytime we workout.  I'm really impressed by your hard work and perserverence.  You know it's going to be tough, and you still show up.  That tells me a lot about your character, and I imagine there is a similar attitude with your family life and your faith walk.  I honor you guys.  Thank you for inspiring me.
  • T-claps to seeing some Kotters lately.  Great to see you again.
  • We WILL be doing a UFC Guys Night on Saturday July 9th for UFC 200.  Mark your calendars and start doing extra chores now.  You won't want to miss it.
  • Have a great weekend and week guys.

Great honor to lead you men
