What Happened As You Lived?

Event Date

Jun 08, 2016

Pax of 11 including Bionic and Sprinkle

Warm up

Indian Run around parking lot  … rear burpee sprint to front takes KB Halleluiah style #funfun


25 x Mtn Climbers IC

15 x Copperhead Squats IC

15 x ISW IC

10 x diamond merkins IC


The Thang

Mosey to the track

Dip and Derks – 1 dip, 10 derkins … 10 dips, 1 derkin–  55 Dips, 55 Derkins

Partner wheelbarrow ~100 meters swap halfway #omaha

Partner carry 100 meter swap halfway

Mosey to Pull-up bar

Break out into 4 groups

Group A – Six pack – Pull-up bar leg raises, merkins  … 50 each

Group B – Burp and reverse crunch  – 50 each

Group C – Downunders and monkey humpers – 50 each

Group D –  Lunge walk length of field, backwards butt kickers back

Plank until rotate

Running out of time so audible for last 2 rounds complete 10 each exercise per station

No time for Mary #I’vejustcomeheretocheckthemeter


In the end the million dollar question won’t be “what happens after you die” but rather “what happened as you lived”

Andy Stanley

Mumble chatter

  • Lots of chatter and disdain for the Q … good thing I am hard of hearing
  • Everyone improved today … isn’t this why we workout at 5:30 AM ?
  • Definitely going to have to pull this one out again in the future, feeling the burn
  • T-claps all around