What’s he so angry about?

Dominic O'Brien (13) also posted, not listed.

16 Gentleman-warriors toughed it out in the gloom of The Mighty Jungle.

The Thang:

Parking lot mosey with some backwards, some karaoke and some Reg-u-lar.  Circle up for a cycle of warm-o-rama:

SSH X 20

Cotton Picker X 20

IST X 20

Mountain Climber X 20

LBC X 20

The Merkin X 20

Mosey up to Stumptown Road and over to the front steps.  Partner-up for:

Wheelbarrow up the stairs, 5 burpees each atop, mosey back down.  Swap and repeat.

4&4, 3&3, 2&2, 1&1

Bunny hop stairs and continue down to the school’s inclined rear entrance for:

Quadraphilia (sp) to the top, 5 burpees, descend forward to bottom for 10 jump-squats

4 burpeess & 10 jump-squats, 3 burpees & 10 jump-squats…2 & 1

Mosey to a nice shady grassy spot for 1 round of Cacka-lacka-choo-choo

Mosey over to the school entry wall

People’s chair w/ 20 air press (1 minute)

Balls to the wall X 20 (yes in cadence, no, no movement)

People’s chair w/ 20 air curl ( 1 minute)

 Mosey to the pull-up bars for:

15 hanging, straight-leg lifts, run to peninsula and back; 10 pull-ups, run to peninsula and back; 10 ‘Mericans, run to peninsula and back.

Repeato, subbing chin-up for pull-ups.

Lunge-walk from pull-up bars to 1st peninsula

Frog jump from 1st peninsula to 2nd peninsula

Slow mosey to MARY in the shade

LBC x 20

Dying cockroach X 20

Elbow plank @ 1 minute

WWI sit-up @ 20

Very, very slow Merkin @ 10

Recover x 2


  1. YHC really was impressed to pull in and see Callahan had posted for True Grit, knowing he was also going to Q Mighty Jungle.  Needless to say we were all a bit confused when he then got in his car and drove away. No harm, no foul.
  2.  The Q was up for grabs, so the Pax was spared from a traditional Metallica belittling.  (He likes to call us “ladies” and we don’t like that!)
  3. Two 2.0s in attendance today: Alpha-Bravo (FKA Charlie Boone) and Dominic O-Brien (needs a 2nd post for his nickname).  Great job boys! (and dads for chauffeuring)
  4. Blackbeard spent a little time during quadraphilia checking the form of others, sacrificing his own in the process.  That guy is a true giver!
  5. 2 who don’t complain, they just do it: Tagless & Lone Star
  6. Once again Panzer was out in front of virtually all exercises
  7. Toxic tries to antagonize and get a rise, but to his surprise, there were no replies.
  8. Smash had a special request: the Frog Jumps.  Happy to oblige. (They really do suck)
  9. Another fun one in the books.  Have you ever posted and then regretted it?  Me neither.