Man Maker Monday – A Sweaty Mess

Event Date

Jun 13, 2016

Man Maker Monday is a great way to start the week!  7 PAX showed up on a sticky humid morning to push each other, fellowship and get stronger.

In full disclosure, I need to admit I forgot I had the Q for this workout.  Thanks to Olive for reminding me at 0430 that MMM was mine today!  Otherwise I would have left the guys to fend for themselves.  Luckily, I had enough time to get to 131 Main and scratch out a beat down on the back of an envelope before folks showed up!  Here is how it went:

The Thang:


SSH – 20

IST – 10

Windmill – 10

Mountain Climber – 15

Run a lap around parking lot


Round 1 – 12 IC unless otherwise noted


Goblet Squat




Run a lap


Round 2 – 12 IC unless otherwise noted

Skull Crusher

Lunge w/ KB (6 each leg)

Overhead Press

Flutter Kicks w/ KB


Run a lap


Round 3 – 12 IC unless otherwise noted

Lawn Mower – Right arm

Lawn Mower – Left arm

Tea Bag Squat

Low Dolly


Run a lap


Round 4 – 12 IC unless otherwise noted

Upright Row

Iversons to sidewalk and back

Chest Press



Run a lap


Mary – Round Robin


  • Always an honor to lead F3 men in the gloom!  I usually get more out of it then anyone.  This was a great group of guys who came to work and have a good time doing it!
  • I am not sure what it says that the War Baby was Omega at 42 years old!  Man Maker is slowly becoming the Old Mans Club.  But these men are still strong and sling those bells around with out any problem
  • Shoe led the PAX in a Mary exercise that is forever burned into my brain.  Watching him to a Pelvic Thruster in cadence was the funnier moment of the morning.  Whatever image you are picturing right now is probably accurate!
  • Share this wonderful gift of F3 with all the men you know.  A guy you know right now is praying for F3.  But more than likely they don't know it is their blessing!  Tell them about it!

Jimmy O