A Courtsey We will Go @ Paininsula, Cornelius

Event Date

Jun 14, 2016

Well, 8 hardcharging hecklers were rounded up at Paininsula this brisk 71 degree Tuesday morn to start their day off strong. It goes like this…

Warm-up: Mosey to another spot in the parking lot and do: SSH's, Stretching (yes, this is a warm-up) Cotton-Pickers and Spider Man crawls.

The Thang:

  • Mosey over to the Harris Teeter wall, or over near the dumpster as the Pax referred.
    • 5 "Upside-Downers" (My new lexicon for upside down merkins)
    • Scorpion Carolina Dry Docks x 20
    • Merkins x 12
    • Courtsey Squat (My new exercise)
  • Mosey to new rock pile and pick one up
    • Curls x 15
    • Overhead press x 15
    • Skull crusher x 15
    • Courtsey Squat, yes with rock x 12
  • Mosey back to wall, ahem, dumpster
    • I believe Dr. LIFO arrived about this time at 0557 (Outlaw)
    • Repeato on all above exercises, including the Courtsey Squat
  • Mosey back to rock pile and pick one
    • Repeato including my new exercise the Courtsey Squat
  • Mosey back to the Wall
    • Repeato all of the above exercises, including the Courtsey Squat


  • The Mason Twist x 25
  • The Crunchy Frog x 20
  • Rosalita x 20
  • The W x 20
  • The Dying Cockroach x 20
  • And the crowd favorite "The Glute Bridge" x 15

The Naked Moleskin:

  1. Well, Outlaw called me personally to Q Paininsula since I am moving, so of course I obliged. Where the hell was he at 0525? God only knows. Low and behold he shows up at the rock pile at 0557, really, wow, that takes LIFO to a new level. Glad you made it regardless.
  2. Could there be any more mumblechatter from 7 dudes, apparently no!
  3. I am proud to have introduced a very new exercise called the "Courtsey Squat". Yes, my wife taught it to me, but I believe it is a good one. Try it sometime, it is an F3 keeper.
  4. Grenade took the Courtsey Squat to an all new level and actually did "Courtsey" the whole time.
  5. Mattie Ice working the achillies, let's rehab him right
  6. MacBeth had the "Gun show" going on.
  7. Hollywood making it happen
  8. Kingfish was sweating like Hades Inferno due to his incesant heckling

Thanks guys, such a pleasure to Q and always enjoyable.
You guys are the best, F3 is the best and I am a better man because of all of you!
