5:27,, let’s get set up.

Event Date

Jun 16, 2016


Quick Warmorama:

Short mosey, to get the oil moving.

10 IC x SSH

10 IC x Merkins

Arm circle,,ready for some power circuit.


1. Block Squats

2. Block lunges

3. Block Flutter kicks

4.Body builders

5. Block pulls

6. Block push

7. Lap run.

Two cycles completed.

Finished up with : Plank circle left , Block merkins x10 , sit-ups x 10. Repeato to right.

Mason Twist to the end.

Hot morning , sweat was pooring. You Vs You.


Limberger and Swede, bless the pax with some sweet song from Mr. L. Armstrong or at least thats what they claimed.

Love Samson AO. You can't fake the funk with those Blocks. Strong work by all.

Thank you Jedi for the invitiation to Q , Always an honor to lead me of F3. Limberger look forward to your MQ.