Hot Potato Cauldron Q

Event Date

Jun 17, 2016

Spare had the Q…but had a sinus infection…passed to Frontier…I told Frontier I would meet him for a standard…he asked me if I wanted Q…I said I could, but after he already pb as Q…then we got there and decided to split it…I said I had 20 minutes of content, which turned into 30+ so the hot potato landed with me and Frontier managed MARY.  We can sharpen each other as men in many ways, but my theory is, the planning gene just isn't on the Y chromasome (need D. Angit Burnsy to confirm with SCIENCE), which is one of the many reasons we have Ms.  

Standard Credit:  Frontier, Jimmy-O, YHC

Warmth not needed but we warmed up anyway.



10 Toy Soldier IC

10 Cotton Picker IC

10 Magilla IC

5 Crisp Clean Burpees

Stroll over to the asphalt activity area


Partner 1 Sprints around track until catchs partner 2

Partner 2 Farm carries both bells untill backslapped


Repeato Repeato

Partner 1 does kettlebell swings

Partner 2 bear crawls 25yds, quadrophelia back

Switch back and forth untill 100 kettle bell swings are completed

25 Squat Presses for all OYO

Stroll back to parking lot 

1 pax does 30 battle rope swings (double) or 60 (single) or a combo

The rest do low flutter chest press with KB until rope man finishes (feet and bells down for a couple seconds during change over untill all have swung ropes)

1 pax does sidewinder rope swings X 20

The rest do curls with KB until rope man finishes (bells down during transition)

MARY (passed around horn)

J-Lo X 20 IC 

WW!! with KB X 10 


1 minute low plank

Peter Parker X10 IC into Parker Peter X 10 IC

Touch Dem Heels X 15 IC


1. Great group who pushed hard today.  I kind of made it up as I went and hopefully that wasn't evident other than the fact that I ran over my "half" by about 10 minutes.  Oops – sorry Frontier.

2. Good luck Frogger, with your foot surgery (prayers for a speedy recovery).  If you are that fast with a busted wheel, you'll be a freak when you get back to full speed.  (sad BRR team IR face)

3. Amen was flipping those ropes around like a lifegaurd twirling a whistle.  Maybe we should string some KBs on next time.

4. Jimmy-O your consistent positive attitude and smile brighten any AO.  Frontier and I grinned when we saw the white SUV rollin in hot at 4:58 for standard.