Bogey Destroys Sandbag / TABATA KB Pain

Event Date

Jun 23, 2016

A small, intimate crowd showed up today at GCC for Da DragonSlayer, so out of the gates by partner plan of attack quickly changed to no partners needed for this workout.  Raven commented, "this may be the smallest pull I've seen for you Ditka…" and while that may have been the case (18 is my preferred number) having the 8 today was very nice and I felt we actually got to know each other a bit today.  Seemed to have more of a 2nd F feel to it today!  And as Raven pointed out…"with 8, you can't hide…"  #verytrue

Warmorama – mosey about 50 yards and get the party started:

  • SSH X 20IC
  • 20 Burpees OYO – Friday about walked out after he heard this call, as did I after Bunyan's burpeefest yesterday.  Even Bogey said…"u serious…"  #thatsagoodthing

Mosey to woods

The Thang:
  • In the woods (the air was so thick you couldn't breathe)
    • Sandbag Squats / Press Ups X 15 OYO
    • Six Pack (1 pull up / 5 mericans, 2 /4, 3/3, etc.
    • Australian Pull Ups X 20 OYO
    • Louis Z's until Q called it – when Bogey and Friday are there…u have to go a while #thishurt
    • Sandbag Squats / Press Ups X 15 OYO
    • Gently place your sandbag down #notsomuchforbogey
  • Out to parking lot
  • Descending Curb Crawls – bear crawl to one side, 10 incline mericans, bear crawl back, 9, etc., etc. #chestonfire
  • Low Flutters X 30IC
  • Mosey to Hill grab KB
    • Crawl Bears Up
    • Bear Crawls Down
    • KB Swings X 20 OYO
    • Quadrophillia Up
    • Mericans X 10 OYO
    • Mosey Down
    • KB Swings X 20 OYO
  • TABATA (30 second exercise / 10 second rest) with a TABATA app that plays music from your playlist #perfect  Did this for 12 minutes #thissucked but the music eased the pain.  Don't know exact order but these were repeated many times
    • Curls
    • Skull Crushers
    • KB Swings
    • Shoulder Press
    • Chest press with low flutters #worsethaniexpected
    • Lat pull overs
    • Freddie Mercuries
    • Repeat all mulitple times
  • Mosey back to front of church
  • With 4 minutes left
    • Plank, down to merican, hold for 10 seconds, and up, downward dog, repeato until 6:15.  #ouch
  • Recover Recover
  • COT – Friday took us out in perfect form #nosurprise


  • Music playlist today (i carried the suitcase speaker so we had tunes the entire time): Rock U Like A Hurricane – Scorps, Freewill – Rush, Dissident – PJam, Back In Black – ACDC, Don't Stop Believin – Journey (Bogey and Bunyan almost slow danced), Thunder In Your Heart – from the movie Rad which I think only Friday had seen this CLASSIC 1980's BMX movie), and for the TABATA (don't recall exactly): Dark Necessities – RHCPeppers, Call My Name – Third Day, Plush – STPilots, and something else but don't recall.
  • I think Friday was suffering from some short/long term memory loss this morning on how to do certain exercises and how to count.  It's okay, you're still a beast!  Sorry you had a leaky bag today, after an entire roll of duct tape, even that can't stop the sand!  Better than before though!
  • Bogey took his aggression out on the sandbag today and decided that throwing it to the ground would be a good idea.  Perhaps it was a test to see how good of a tape job I did yesterday – apparently the tape job sucked.  Bogey – nice work as usual man, you are an animal!  
  • Bunyan, you beat the crap out of us yesterday with 140+ burpees so today those curb crawls, crawl bears up the hill, etc., were a bit more painful than I would have liked!  But today, we're all stronger and we'll look good in front of our ladies at the pool.
  • Raven, you're right, you (or anyone for that matter) can't hide when there are only 8 guys.  Hadn't thought of it that way, but you are right.  Accountability for sure.  The Louis Z's with 50 lb sandbag was the true test today.  I think all of us have to remember too, you do what you can during workouts (no need to over-exert and get hurt) and it's not always the speed of the exercise, it's how well you do it!  
  • Denim, I swear either you are stalking me on Twitter or you workout everyday of the week.  You are everywhere man.  Start calling you "Ubiquitous" Stronger and stronger each week.
  • TyWebb – you are what you are, a relentless, inspiring, Pax leading beast!  You don't ever seem to tire man.  
  • OverBudget – You needed Friday's 50 lb KB today with those arms.  Glad you could make it out today.  Great seeing you today!
  • Awesome job today guys!  A perfect number of Pax today IMO!  Have a great weekend men!
