
Event Date

Jun 23, 2016


6/23: Nevermind…Dandelion – QueueThuessAtlantisClarkThe rest of the PAX in spirit – Missed you…Warm-Ups:SSH – 50ICMountain Climbers – 25ICWindmills – 10ICPax moseyed to the back to get “a” block, moseyed backDandelion Merkins – Circle up shoulder to shoulder, facing out, assume the merkin position w/ feet touching, ready, exercise- 15ICThe Thang:Nevermind Indian Run to the club house – Last man in the chain runs w/ the block to the front w/ the intent to hand off the block to the leader, but… Nevermind, instead falls back to pass the block to the last man once again, then sprints to lead the mosey in front of the line. New last man continues the cycle. Repeated through 2 cycles, used an awkward course through the pool parking so everyone had 2 turns w/ “a” block, headed to the flag poles for a Pledge of Allegiance, & “One Nation Under GOD” wasn’t omitted, but celebratedPax circled up:Squats – 15ICMerkins – 10ICWorld War One Sit-ups – 15ICGreat Big Loop Mosey – Nevermind… Little Baby Loop MoseyPax circled up:Squats – 15ICMerkins – 10ICWorld War One Sit-ups – 15ICGreat Big Loop Mosey – Nevermind… Little Baby Loop MoseyPax circled up:Squats – 15ICMerkins – 10ICWorld War One Sit-ups – 15ICGreat Big Loop Mosey – Nevermind… Little Baby Loop MoseyPax circled up:Per Metro Dog: Merkins – 15ICPer Gecko: Tony Hawks – 10ICPer Big Easy: Lunges in Place – 15ICMulligan: 30 count – Nevermind… 20 countNevermind Indian Run back to the playground – Last man in the chain runs w/ the block to the front w/ the intent to hand off the block to the leader, but… Nevermind, instead falls back to pass the block to the last man once again, then sprints to lead the mosey in front of the line. New last man continues the cycle. Sprint from the top of the Great Big Hill to the parking lot was called by the queue. Last man w/ “a” block outside of the playground parking lot had the pleasure to return “a” block to the back, thx Skipper! The rest of the PAX planked it out.Queue call: Line up @ the bottom of the parking lot when Skipper passes through the camellia gate: Bear Crawl Suicide – Bear crawl to the last line of lower parking lot, mosey back, bear crawl to the 1st line of the upper parking lot, mosey back, bear crawl to the last line of the upper parking lot, mosey back. Time for Mary:Per Dandelion: Little Baby Crunches – 30ICPer Goodwrench: Freddie Mercury’s – 20ICPer Atlantis: Low Dolly – 20ICPer Big Easy: Box Cutter – 15ICPer Skipper: Stranded Turtle – 101ICReflection:As leaders, it is our job to set the tone, the pace, the momentum in whatever we do, whether @ church, @ work, @ home, w/in F3, wherever. There is a balance though; a critical part of being a good leader is recognizing those moments when it is time to lift up other leaders as it is their time to set that standard. By putting integrity 1st, loyalty will follow. Then flipped around, following integrity ourselves comes naturally even if we don’t recognize it @ the time. If you consider the following take-aways from Stephen R. Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” as you attempt to lead yourself, or when you are helping to foster better leaders w/in your own circles, amazing things will happen:1. Is that win-win? Or win-lose? Or lose-win?2. Is that putting 1st things 1st? Or are we distracted w/ less important clutter?3. Is that beginning w/ the end in mind? Or are we winging it?4. Was that a deposit? Or a withdrawal?5. Was that proactive? Or are we fighting fires?6. Is that synergistic? Or a compromise to prevent hurting feelings?7. Was it right? Or was it popular?Lead on gentlemen, it was a pleasure to have my turn @ it today!Moleskin:• Thx to the Pax for correcting some of my improperly called routines• The Pax seemed confused that it took 9 of us to get “a” block from the back, only to return to the front.• Thuess’s tardiness earned him the 1st romance w/ “a” block, guess that means everyone else had sloppy 2nds.• Pax caught on quickly to the Nevermind Indian Run, made me so proud…• Lots of whining, or whimpering, over the World War 1 sit-ups, may need to do them more often?• Plenty of sweat & huffing around, most of the PAX took to some extended Star Gazing following Skipper’s finale Stranded Turtle. Star Gazing = Success!