Ultimate Warriors Fight Ultimate Battle in Ultimate Frisbee at Ultimate AO

Also not registered: Big Daddy, Baroo, The Governor, and FNG (Mary K's 2.0, now named Donovan).  Try and get registered on the website so we can get your names in the BB.

15 of NoCo's finest met on a steamy Saturday morning at Bailey Road Park for a spirited match of Ultimate Frisbee.  Here's how it went:


Back and forth on the lower turf field with high knees, butt kickers, and side shuffle

15 x Side Straddle Hop

15 x Cotton Pickers

15 x Mountain Climbers


The Thang:

Once we moved soccer goals out of the way so we could play half the field, running the width, Mary K and The Geek chose teams.  It appeared that The Geek went for height, while Mary K went for youth.  The teams were as follows:

Mary K (shirts) – Mary K, Donovan (his 2.0), Baroo, The Governor, Waffle House, Crimson, Kachow, Carpet Bagger

The Geek (skins) – The Geek, Moses, Hippie, Catfish, Jethro, Big Daddy, Boar Hog

And then we played — each time a team scored, both teams did an exercise (and then for the next score we flip flopped).  Exercises were 20 count of each:

Merkins, X-Fit Situps

Wide Merkins, Freddie Mercury

Diamond Merkins, Mason Twist

Dragon Walk (20 yd), Flutter Kicks

Bear Crawl (20 yd), WWI situps

Carolina Dry Docks, Low Dolly

Mak-Tar-Jai, LBC

Decline Merkins, Squats

Reverse Burpees (x10), Burpees (x10)

Then Moses led us in 5 minutes of stretching


Ye Olde Moleskine:

  • Fun to get out and play games — we gained fitness without really knowing it.  Thinking about incorporating games on Saturday as a regular thing at Bailey, if The Hall Monitor is good with it.  It's nice to see the 2.0's come out as well and get in on the action
  • Everyone got into the act, but The Geek's squad looked like seasoned professionals out there.  Especially Hippie – great frisbee tosser.  Must of been all that practice back in his Hippie days at Woodstock and such
  • The 2.0's were impressive — Baroo has clearly played a lot before, the Governor was a good strategist to get us up the field when the long passes weren't connecting, and Donovan got into the game and made some great catches and throws, as well as defense
  • Mary K may have been a defensive back in a former life — closing speed and jumping ability were impressive
  • I came away with the only injury, I think.  Bloody nose — though I missed a bunch of catches, this was actually while playing defense.  Picture to follow, but it wasn't too bad
  • Thanks to Moses for the extra stretching and for taking us out.  Great to see everybody out there today and look forward to doing it agan sometime.  Maybe we bring in some ultimate football, dodgeball, and soccer.  And I have a pretty fun capture the flag type game from my PE-teaching days that is good for all ages.  I'll ask THM for another Q soon and we'll try it out
  • I appreciate the opportunity to lead — good time!

Waffle House