13 Pax posted for 1 minute of pain and zero running.
The Thang:
- Apllo Ono
- Merkins
- cotton picker
- windmill
Bear crawl to the parking lot and mosey over and grab a brick
4 rounds of 3 sets of exercises
Set 1. 1 minute workout, 30 sec rest
Set 2: 45 sec workout, 20 sec rest
Set 3 30 sec workout, 10 sec rest
Round 1: 3 sets
- Pushups
- Jump Squats
- WW2 Sit-ups
Round 2: 3 sets
- Row, press, skull crusher, curl
- Alternating lung
- Mason twis
Round 3: 3 sets
- Burpees
- Curls
- Shoulder press
Round 4: 3 Sets
- Alternating lawn mower
- Chest Press
- Tricep Press
- RT/ LT Oblique V-ups follwed by leg raise
Mole Skin
- 3 Mile Island was one of the 13 pax but is not on drop down
- Omega had a veiw of the clock and was consistently 2 seconds ahead of the rest