After A Week At Beach – Dreadful – but needed

Bean not in Pax above but present.  Megaphone showed for a little 2nd F pre-workout, and then bailed. Stick around next time!  


  • mosey to "the" mighty oak tree
  • SSH X 50IC #warmedup


  • Mericans X 10IC
  • Hold It…
  • Downward dog
  • Mericans X 5IC
  • Hold It….
  • DDog
  • Mericans X 5IC
  • Hold it….
  • DDog….plank….hold it…recover.
  • Mosey to roundabout island
    • Bear crawl half way around #badideabyyhc
    • Crab crawl rest of way #worseidea #neveragain
  • Mosey to bottom of Travolta hill
    • Line up with feet on curb for SLOW / HOLD Derkins
    • Down, hold (all the way down so shirt is skimming concrete) for 10 seconds, and up X 5 – thanks Hasselhoff for counting to 5 for us! 
    • Split up 6 and 6.  First group goes all the way up Travolta hill to roundabout, while other 6 do AMRAP of Burpees.
    • Flapjack #thathillsucks
  • Bottom of hill on sidewalk – AIRBORNE MINDBENDERS – the Pax welcomed these after Travolta Hell
  • Mosey back to first round about
    • A little bit of Mary – WWII 20 OYO, Freddie Mercuries X 20IC, BBCrunch X 20IC, Low Flutter 20IC
  • Mosey back to bus entrance
    • 6 Pax on the gates for Australian P/U's X 15IC
    • 6 Pax CDD X 15IC
    • Flapjack
  • Mosey to wall
    • People's chair
    • Balls to Wall – held for well over 1 min
  • Mary – plank / DDog
  • Recover Recover


  • Great job by all today!  No time for music today, spent more time off AO than I expected but coming off of an exercise free week at beach (our bodies to need healing folks) today was extra special (i.e., it sucked for YHC – but needed it)
  • On one of the moseys (i picked up the pace a bit) i can hear these foot steps right on my tail the entire time and I'm thinking…"one of these young guns is riding my ass here and I can't ditch'em…."  NOPE, it was 50 year old Olaf!  Dude, you are an animal man!  #respect
  • Speaking of #respect, Hasslehoff and Hippie showed the young guys (yes YHC at 42 is still young in my book) how it's done.  Hippie led the Pax up and down the dreaded Travolta hell the entire way!  Nice job by the #oldfolks
  • I learned today that Caboose does not like the humidity!  It's the only weakness I can find in that guy!  #beast  Although he did say that he should have gone to Jolly's workout at Mad Scientist today. I said there would have been like 100 Pax there if Jolly was running it – but due to Jolly forgetting he had the Q, he pulled in a comfortable 8 today.
  • Bunyan was calling me names today that are not appropriate for display here.  It's a good thing with Bunyan is calling you names! 
  • FunkyTown led the Pax in YHC's run up/down Travolta Hell today – nice work!
  • Raven and United representing MacAulay as usual and going hard!
  • Madoff, Bean and Onstar – great seeing you guys once again, great work!
  • Thanks to all for coming out today and enduring the heat and pain.  Great job men!

As stated in the COT – pray for Hippie's friend (Chris?), and YHC has been feeling like all we hear nowadays is bad news.  It's truly crazy – from cops shooting people, Rio olympics and this super bug, the Presidential candidates and all the negativity that surrounds two people and one of which will likely be our Country's leader, local news starting with all of the shootings around town (seriously folks – start with something positive already), terrorism, etc., etc., etc….it's overwhelming, and just downright not healthy for us to be exposed to it every single day!  Let's look for the positive things in life.  Share with those around us to change the mentality of this Country/World.  One step at a time!

Ditka – out!