Cindy meets the Runners today

FNGs that 66 brought visiting from Houston, TX: Nick, Brey (sp), Collin.  The latter two were both 14 years old.  Collin gave Ty Webb a run for his money today on Bear Crawls!

Travolta said he was feeling the effects of the July 4th weekend and needed to shed some weight (yeah sure you do…) so we picked up the pace a little today and ran…more than expected.

  • Mosey to pull up bars
  • SSH X 20IC
  • Cotton Picker X 15IC
Da Thang
  • Run (not mosey) around entire lot to woods
Into the woods 
  • Monkey Bars X 1 half way up turn backwards)
Grab CB
  • Curls IC – 15IC
  • Skull Crushers – 15IC
  • Repeato
Louis Z's to cars first island

Take one lap (running) around entire lot

Crank up the tunes – Cumbersome, Gettin Better (Tesla), Spoonman, Paradise City

  • Inch worm to second island
  • 10 incline merkins OYO at island two
  • Bear crawl back
  • 20 CB swings OYO
  • Wait for all Pax – CB Chest press with Flutter kicks X 10IC
One lap around entire lot
  • Bear crawl to third island
  • 10 merkins
  • Lunge back
  • 20 CB Swings OYO
  • Wait for all Pax for CB chest press with Flutter kicks X 10IC
One lap around entire lot
TABATA (a shortened version due to time) – 25 seconds on, 10 sec rest
  • Curls, Lat Pull Overs, Chest Press, Lawn Mower Pull R Arm / Left Arm, Chest Press
Carry blocks back to woods and come back to lot.  
Mary – PSYCH!  
Run one more lap (okay, we ended a little short this time and cut in by the cars vs. all the way around.
Mary = lying no our backs for 30 seconds to catch our breath.
Travolta takes us out perfectly as always!  We can all skip church this weekend!  
  • Thanks to 66 for picking up the 6 and bringing the FNGs this AM.  While one of the 14 year olds took Ty Webb down in the bear crawl, no way anyone was taking him down in the multiple laps we did around the lot.  
  • Nice work by the FNGs today.  Thanks for coming out on your vacation.  Good news is, you can take a nap later today – don't worry, you'll need it!
  • OverBudget was not overly pleased with all the laps as his knee continues to recover, but you're still fast man!
  • Funky Town – you are one consistent Pax member man – always representing F3 and working hard – nice job!  
  • Billy Bob – not too many bear crawls today, and I actually scaled back even more once I saw you posted this AM.  Heal up man!  You're a beast.  You need to Cinder Blocks next time!
  • Bunyan had signed up for the Q today but I basically stoled it from him cause I didn't want to endure another Bunyan burpeefest, so all of you can thank me for that!  Okay fine – I'm a Q addict, I will admit it.  Week's not complete if I can't get 2 in a week.  Oh, and Bunyan, don't worry you can pick up the Q at The Mighty Oak.
  • Good seeing you Code Blue – it's been a while (likely more of me not getting down to the Foundry as much.
  • Travolta was feeling fat today, I know right…Travolta and Fat don't go in the same sentence, so he picked the right workout this AM because YHC had some extra running planned so I could shed some pounds before heading back for some vacation time in WI.
  • Raven – you're a beast and need to Q again at The Mighty Oak!

Great job by all men!  Thanks Ty Webb for letting me steal the Q from Bunyan.  Thanks again to BamBam and TommyBoy for introducing me to F3 – I can't imagine my life without it!  Make sure you check out Olive's tweets/Isotope website post about his new venture – Project Sweet Tooth.  #inspiring

Until next time – Ditka