TrueGrit finds the Blocking Sled

Event Date

Jul 09, 2016

Qtr mile jog to get the blood flowing. 
Warmorama – SSH x20, windmills x10, merkinsx10, knee upsx15, tony Hawks x15
Blocking sled: 4 pushes 40 yds; In between x15 of LBC, low flutter, high flutter, low dolly
200 meter jog: partner assisted 1-arm curls 10, wide merkins merkins x10, 1 arm Ptr plank shoulder press 10, repeato (with crucifix merkins in the middle)
200 meter jog: modified Jacobs Ladder with pull-ups at Wolfpack playground; 75 meters from base of hill to pull-up bars; starting with 1 pull-up and going up to 7. 
1/3 mile jog past possum's dumpster: Yoga X sequence incl, upward and downward dog, leg up, runners pose, crescent, half moon leg split, repeat for other side. 
All in, a hard fought 2+ miles. You earned some calories and respect today, boys. 
Either summer vacations, the early hour, a healthy fear of YHC or a poorly marketed workout left just 3 of us to greet the great the sunrise.
Early Audible –We were greeted by this at the BAILEY Middle School field: Los campos estan cerrados. I neglected to teach the F3 origins history lesson…sorry guys. Moved on to football. blocking sleds stored off the field 
My first time using blocking sleds…wow. My glutes and thighs were burning quickly. Several 10 counts called during the workout, started with the first 40 meter push.
Happy to have these guys with me for my first blocking sled push. I'm no football guy, but I think strong guards makes it easier. 
This was also my gift to the men who posted at Mighty Jungle…tried to wear out your Q
Thanks for taking us out, BB.