Two Steps

Not Registered:  Bean and No Fry and included in the PAX of fine Americans that took on the dreaded "Two Steps".

Begin on time. Check.  Mosey around back end of The Estate and around the soccer fields the long way.  Circle up… he-hem, line up in an arc (very wet and the PAX were concerned about either their freshly painted toenails or their shoes.  Still not sure.


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 20 IST IC
  • 15 CP IC
  • 10 Windmills IC


  • Face the road from back of The Estate fields.

“Isn’t that purdy, boys?”
They didn’t see what I was looking at…

Time for confusing instructions:

  • Run across soccer fields
  • 25 Burpees
  • Bearcrawl up hill
  • 20 Jump-squats
  • Crabwalk down hill
  • 15 Muricans
  • Run back to start (not sprint; not mosey)
  • 10 Carolina dry docks


  • Run to across soccer field 1
  • Bear crawl up hill
  • Run to other side of soccer field 2
  • 20 Burpees
  • Bear crawl up hill
  • 15 Jump-squats
  • Crabwalk down
  • 10 Merkins
  • Run back to start
  • 5 CDDs


  • Traverse all soccer fields (3) quadraphilia up the hills
  • 15 Burpees
  • Bear crawl hill 3
  • Have PAX look back at the fields to see the stripes of Old Glory in our wake made from our footprints in the dew.  That’s what I saw when I asked in the beginning, “Isn’t that purdy, boys?”
  • 10 Jump-squats
  • Crabwalk down
  • 5 Merkins
  • Run back to beginning
  • 20 Big Baby Crunches
  • While on six, I paused to allow the PAX to catch their breath.  Here’s where I explained that today’s workout was inspired by the tragedy gripping our great nation right now.

    We seem to take 1 step forward and 2 steps back; just like this workout.
    “It takes special kind of men doing special things to fix what’s wrong with our country.  Men like you.  You are different.  You are used to choosing the right way and not the easy way.  I know, because you are still here.

    It is up to men like you to go back and get America.  We have to get her and bring her along.”

  • We got up and took off across all 3 soccer fields again in the same fashion to the top of hill 3.
  • 25 Burpees (lots of BS calls here.  I reminded the PAX that going to get our great country back will not be easy either.  BS calls were drowned out by heavy breathing)
  • Run all the way back to field one.
  • Big Baby Crunches
  • Unwind the beginning run back to the flag.



  • Have PAX call Mary and add after their workouts how each man will respond to what is happening in our country.  Some will pray, some will talk with their children, some will honor soldiers and police officers, some will speak truth.
  • 1 Crisp, clean Burpee



I explained to the PAX that I had not seen or heard the news until I got home last night, but when I did my heart was broken.  First the two men shot earlier in the week.  Then the 5 police officers gunned down while protecting peaceful protesters.  It’s truly heartbreaking to see things happen in our country like this.


I felt like I had to respond with a workout mapped out to help process the mess in our own heads.


  • Turnpike and Wingman – bad choice.  13 miles then my workout?  Should have followed Tantrum.
  • Peaches – You are looking strong brother.  Keep pushing.
  • Creeper and Curd – Thanks for coming to see what a Jedi Q is like.  I’ll come to Davidson soon if you’d like.
  • Sponge Bob – You are a beast.
  • Snake Eyes & Starkist – You both pushed me out there.  Thanks.  Always impressive… most impressive.
  • No Fry – When the gas was gone out of everyone’s tank you stroll up beside me and say, “3rd hill?” then take off.  MACHINE.
  • The Force – You are a rock star.  I love when you are in the PAX.  You make me laugh and you push me to be quick with my responses. (I definitely need work in the comedic dept.)
  • BurVegas – You just appeared out of no where.  How’d you do that? Ninja.
  • The Iron Man – Way to push it, brother.
  • Bean – Strong work.  Make sure to register on the website
  • Professor – Thank you for the opportunity to Q The Estate.  Happy to come back and bring some more fun.



Ephesians 6:10-19  The Armor of God (ßThere you go, Creeper)