Also present but not in Pax list: Nails, Turn Coat, FNG: Joe Cantello
While Callahan is away (purportedly working- yeah we believe that!) 17 gents of the north gathered in the sweaty gloom to punch their Monday card. The following is an account of What Just Happened:
- Mosey round the lot and over to Birkdale Bridge for a lined-up warm-o-rama:
- SSH X 25
- Merkin X 20
- Windmill X 15
- Squat X 15
- Cotton picker X 15
- Mountain Climber X 15
- Mosey to pull-up bars and partner up for:
- 15 pull-ups/ 20 WWI sit-ups
- 10 chin-ups/20 WWI sit-ups
- 15 hanging straight-leg lifts/30 LBCs
- 10 pull-ups/20 squats
- Mosey back to Birkdale Bridge:
- Gather on bridge for the pax-favorite bridge bear crawl (2 times through)
- Over-and-backs: Over the wall, bear crawl across the bridge and back, over the wall again (5 times through)
- Re-gather on bridge for the bridge bear crawl (2 times through)
- Mosey back to grassy field for Cacka-lacka-choo-choo (2 times through)
- COT for MARY
- The “W” X 20
- The bicycle X 20
- J-Lo X 20
- Dying cockroach X 20
- Very, very slow Merkin @ 5
- Fin
- Welcome FNG Joe Cantello, Nice work out there today
- The gloom was heavy this morning and the Pax was light on chatter
- Except Kid Rock- that guy just loves to talk smack
- The Pax seems to keep getting older (present company excepted), but also seems to be getting stronger and faster. T-Claps to the Respects today: Stromboli and Binary
- Please keep in your prayers the recovery of Mike Woods (father of Shamrock) and Allen Lloyd and family for the loss of Possum’s Dad.
- See you tomorrow at The Vern! (you can all thank DT for the introduction of that little mess)