A few exercises with a weeee bit of rest

The Rock, the place of my virgin Q, has been one of my favorite AOs since I started almost a year ago. Kettle Bells give the Q a chance to design a workout that pushes the body to its limits without the need for Burpees.  It is always inspiring to see the number of men that get out of bed each morning to endure the torment and push themseves (and push each other) to their limits and beyond… because I believe a man doesn't truly know his limitations until they are exceeded.  I had hoped to design a workout that would do honor to the men that entrusted me with their fitness on this morning. 

Warm up:

All in cadence unless noted

20- SSH

15 – Windmills

10- IST

10- Mountain Climbers

The thang

(all in cadence unless noted)

20- kettle Bells swings

10- overhead presses

10- Dry Docs

10- Squats

10- Lunges

10- step ups (on your own)

Mosy around fountain

10 – overhead presses

10- skull crushers

10 clean and jerks

10- squats

10- lunges

mosey around Salty Caper

10- pull overs

10- dips

10- one arm row

10- one arm row

10 lunges

10 squats

10 calf raises

mosey around Fountain

10- curls

ladder to 5 – Bell Webs

10- upright row

10- Lunges

10- squats

Mosey around fountain

10- overhead presses

10- skull crushers

10- mericans

10- squats

10 – lunges

mosey around salty caper

10- decline mericans

10- dips

10- kettle bell swings

10- lunges

10 squats

mosey around fountain

10 – curls

10- upright rows

10- single arm bent over row

10 single arm bent over row


20- LBC

15- bicyle

10- mason twists

1 min- elbow plank

Mole Skin

The mumble chatter was at a minimum, but London Whale and Mailman interjected some humor to make the pax forget about the pain,, if only for a moment. Cupcake let me know after the workout that he was visited by the ghost of his grandmother shortly after the workout began.  Something about a bright light and music.  It was around that time that he lost count and Mailman chimed in,, concerned that the count was far too low.  Butterstick was concerned about the lack of a pattern but he put in a great workout.  Nice effort by him and Jig (not listed on the site but was part of the pax). Flying Pig had some comments coming out of both ends,,,that appeared to emphasis his efforts.  London Whale made certain to inform us at the very beginning that he had to leave early.  It seems he had a preminition of the things to come.  Deepend and Chef Boyardee were unusually quiet and seemed to be planning something sinister.  Plinko made a few attempts at destracting me and finally convinced Gillooly to make a run for London whale,,, or that is how it seemed to me as my heart rate hit 190.  But all in all I hope the Pax enjoyed the workout and realize that it is because of this group that I push myself harder each day.  I am honored to have had the chance to lead this group of fine men once again.  I look forward to each morning,, where we work hard for ourselves but also for each other.

Your Humble YHC
