Another F3iversary with a Trip to da Beach – Day 4 of #WOTF

Turncoat not listed in Pax above (someone get that man to register!)  Welcome, FNG Criag Smith!

War Daddy = Megaphone.  War Baby (all week) = Hallelujah!

28 pax appeared in the moist Gloom, gathered around the ghost-flag that no other regions dared to come try to take, and set off on a road trip.


The THANG (X exercises in cadence, even if not stated as such):


Mosey up Hugh Torrance and up to the first pain circle while doing some high knees and butt-kickers.

Tremendous story (for those who chose to listen) from YHC about his early days of getting EH'ed by Thug and Bama, and finally caving in to a Black Eye Pea EH after beers at the pool. 



SSH X 20

Mtn Climbers X 15

Windmill X 20

Squats X 15 (last 5 sloooow)


Mosey to Friday’s house (corner of da Beach, but Friday no longer resides there).


Visit the sights of MacAuley Beach with 4 corners:

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins

Corner 2 – 10 CDDs

Corner 3 – 10 LBCs

Corner 4 – 5 burpees

Elbow plank – while everyone finishes



Form 2 lines Kumquat – wait, where's Kumquat???  Ugh, Burner then! –  leads the “fast line”, Jorel leads the “slow line” for some Indian run action – as far as you can go for 2 laps


Not enough bikinis at this beach…let’s go home.


Stop at the giant yarn ball (open field at Macbeth):

Shoulder Touch Merkins X 16 (Jorel screwed this up 3 years ago and I somehow did so again in trying to repeat – and we ended up with 17..)

Squats X 15


Mosey to Queens Corner

Curb kicks X 20

Decline Merkins X 15

Freddie Mercury X 20

W X 15


Mosey behind tennis courts and pick up a friend

Hi Curl X 10

Low Curl X 10

Full Curl X 10

Rotate 4 to the right

Shoulder press X 10

Mary With A Rope (MWAR):

By now most pax know this one – pax gathers along the 3 pt line while one man works the rope from the FT line.  Pax does an exercise called by the first man in on the 3 pt.  After the exercise, next man rotates to the FT line for the rope, next man calls the exercise.  We try to get to everyone, but ran out of time today about half way around.


The Sandy, Oily, Sweaty Moleskine:

99% of the above is a complete Melania Trump (plagerization) of Jorel's backblast 3 years ago.  I only adjusted where I needed to for today's to be accurate.  See my speech writer for complaints.

28 men – strong showing for The Wilderness at 0510!  And one more than Hollywood the day before #justsayin'

FNG Craig Smith posted after a solid year+ of EHing.  I'm not sure he'll be back – he may have found today's workout too easy.  We should introduce him to Mort for some running, Bogey for some Blender, and let's get him a ruck sack and sign him up for a CSAUP event!  Strong work, Craig.  Hope you give us the honor of bestowing a nickname on you.

Speaking of the FNG, someone asked, "Did The Force make the FNG he EHed wear a sleeveless shirt, too?"  Burner quickly responded, "I think all of The Force's friends only own sleeveless shirts." Maybe true, Burner.  There are some body types they just don't make sleeves to fit………..

Mumblechatter wasn't too heavy today, or I'm getting used to it (or numb to it).  Also noticed the flatulance was low… until MWAR at the end – what heppened then???  I noticed some of those men left quickly after BOM – hope they made it home in time.

T-Claps to Amen and Hallelujah – they've been with me Tues, Wed and Thurs and I'm certain I'll see them tomorrow at Cauldren.  I don't know how Hallelujah runs in the cargo shorts but he does – and nothing seems to slow him down.  And he's a natural at calling cadence, too!

Chime in with comments on anything I missed.

Thanks to Thug and Bama for attempting to EH me 3+ years ago, and to BEP for getting enough beers in me 3 years ago to get me to commit to setting the alarm at 4-something and trying F3.  Jorel – perhaps if it'd been any other workout or any other Q I may not have come back, so clearly this is all your fault (including the cracked bone from 2 winters ago and shoulder surgery last Nov – bill is in the mail).