Good old fashioned running with pain

Event Date

Jul 25, 2016


Last Monday of the month usually means its time for The Murph, but 6 uninformed and/or refusnik souls decided to take on a beast of another kind.  We had a Stray join us for a 2 mile Standard and the warmup, but on the way out of Hopewell he turned right where the rest of us turned left.  Hmmm… hope he's okay.  Anyway, here is what they encountered:

Run 25 yards and Warmorama

– IST X10

– Windmill X10

– Toy Soldier X10

– Soybean Farmer X10

And we're off…

– run 3/4 of a mile then stop

– 20X LBCs and 10X Mericans

– run 3/4 of a mile then stop

– WWII situps X10 and CDD X10

– run 1/3 of a mile then stop, turn around and "hey look, it's Mortimer Hill!"

– 3X sprints up Mortimer Hill with recovery walk back to start

– 10X Monkey Humpers

– Run/Mosey back to Hopewell for…


– we did some homer to marge, some bulldog mericans, some V ups, and something else I can't remember.

And we finished.


Moist Moleskin

– Stray strayed for the warmorama which was his coolorama, but today there was no cool to be had anywhere, especially with that vest of his.  But seriously, I haven't stopped sweating yet.

– Where was Tantrum?  He was certainly around last night to make sure I remembered I had the Titan Q (which I had forgotten as I was preparing for bed and setting my alarm for Fireball).  Thanks for the opportunity, Tantrum, you were missed!

– Great work by everyone on those Mortimer Hill sprints.  Jingle Bells was steady each time.  Jaws and Snake Eyes made a valiant effort on that last sprint.  TBone tried so hard, but none of us could best Silver Bullet who cheated each time.

– I've gotta say, I love this time of year.  We are very blessed to be able to get out of bed to join our brothers every morning and experience the beauty of nature.  I'm sure a lot of you don't notice it, but try to appreciate what god has given us while beating yourself down in the gloom.  Come winter you're going to miss these mornings.  Well, you won't miss the heat and humidity, but the rest of it…

