I Don’t Care What You Did Yesterday, Our Destination is Unknown

12 entered and 12 left whole from #Fallout.  Here’s their story:

  1. 1/4 mile warm-up lap
  2. Circle up for warm-o-rama
  3. SSH X 25
  4. Cotton Picker X 20
  5. Windmill X 15
  6. Slow Squat X 10
  7. Man-maker Merkin X 15
  8. Groiner X 10
  9. WWI Sit-up @ 20
  10. Very, very slow Merkin @ 10
  11. 1/4 mile stay-warm lap
  12. Quadraphilia on hill that may have a name I don’t know @ 4 minutes +
  13. Mini-ladder (sort of) Backward up aforementioned hill, 5 burpees atop, forward down to 15 LBCs; repeat with 4 & 15, 3 & 15, etc…
  14. Mosey to pull-uo playground equipment and partner-up:
  15. 1st set: Partner 1- 20 hanging straight-leg lifts, partner 2- WWI sit-ups, swap and repeat
  16. 2nd set: Partner 1- 10 pull-ups, partner 2- LBCs, swap and repeat
  17. 3rd set: Partner 1- 20 hanging straight-leg lifts, partner 2- Squats, swap and repeat
  18. 4th set: Partner 1- 10 pull-ups, partner 2- Merkins, swap and repeat
  19. Mosey back around to track center green; circle-up
  20. The W X 15
  21. J-Lo X 20
  22. Al Gore @ 1 minute
  23. Mosey back to lot & recover X 2


  1. Richard Barry Park is a damn fine AO and I think these gents on the west side like to keep it to themselves.
  2. T-Bone and company ran a pre-workout 5K and were done by 5:20.  Great start!
  3. 9-lives never stops talking unless he gets winded.  That was the goal of the warm-up.  Mission accomplished, temporarily.
  4. Professor: Destination Unknown was released by Missing Persons in 1982.  (It’s really not very good.)
  5. Thanks for the Q guys. ( EHd by 66 6 weeks back- now that’s good planning) I enjoyed it.