1 Year Ago Today…

Event Date

Jul 27, 2016

1 Year Ago on the 27th of July….

After several months of being EH’s by Ty Webb and Monkey Nut, I decided to come out and see what F3 was all about.  I will never forget the struggle that first post was and the many times I asked myself, “Why am I doing this?”  Flash forward 1 year later….  It went down something like this.


Mosey over to the track

SSH (IC) x 27

IST (IC) x 15

Cotton Pickers (IC) x 15

Windmills (IC) x 15

IST (IC) x 15

The Thang:

Since we are at a school… Line up in a single file line.  Indian Run to the traffic circle.  Circuit 1…

Starting at the 6:00 position of the traffic circle

Bear Crawl to the 3:00 position

Lunge Walk to the 12:00 position

Crab Walk to the 9:00 position

Lunge Walk back to start (6:00 position)

Staying at the traffic circle, circuit 2 went something like this…

27 Mercans, then run ½ way around the circle

30 squats, run back to the starting position

18 mercans, then run ½ way around the circle

30 squats, run back to the starting position

9 mercans, then run ½ way around the circle

30 squats, run back to the starting position

Indian Run back to the school’s track.

Circuit 3….

Starting at one end of the track do (9) Burpees, run around the track to the opposite end

30 LBC’s, run around the track back to the starting position.

Repeat this another 2 times for a total of 3 rounds.

Circuit 4…

Get a cinder block and return to the starting position on the track.

(9) Curls IC

(9) Skull Crushers (IC)

(9) Bent Over Rows (IC)

(9) Lawn Mower Right (IC)

(9) Lawn Mower Left (IC)

(9) Shoulder Press (IC)

Run a ½ lap around the track

Repeat-O, except this time do a full lap around the track.


I called on the Pax to help with this.

Toxic:  Side Leg extension – Left x 10 (IC) 

             Side Leg extension – Right x 10 (IC) 

Ultraman:  V-ups x 10 (IC)

Recover, recover…


Great work by all today.  Thank you all for coming out today and celebrating a true milestone today for me personally.  A year ago today I had no idea the power of F3.  As I was sucking wind and begging for it to stop at my first post, if you would have ever told me I would be leading some of these same men one day, I would never have believed you.  F3 is truly special.  I’ve lost about 30 lbs. since my journey began with F3.  I may have lost some weight but have gained a lot of confidence.  It has made me step out of my comfort zone and truly be a leader.  I focus more on becoming a better husband and father.  Spiritually, I have become closer to God.  It truly is more than just a workout.

 A special shout out to Ty Webb and Monkey Nut for EH’ing me.  Truly grateful…. 

 Thank you Ditka for the opportunity to Q this great AO.  Hope to see you all in the gloom real soon…