Abrams’ Delight

18 Men (not listed Venus and Tipper) emerged into the gloom, for my VQ. There was a lot of hype about that pain i might inflict.  Hope no one was disappointed.   


Quick run around the parking lot

10 IC side straddle hop

10 IC windmill

10 IC heal clickers

10 IC zombie Kicks

–Mountain Clock with T–

10 Mountain Climbers > Hold Plank > Clock Merkins (Regular, Diamond, Shoulder Touch, Wide, T) < 10 Mountain Climbers (Q can't count so well on T merkins or shoulder touch, so a little bit of a fail

–10 count–

Mosey to Block Pile

The Thang

Everyone Grabs a cinder block (Q 🙂 had purchased extra's the night before to make sure no man was left out)

Line up at the bottom of the hill

Run to the top of the hill with block

10 block jacks

Back down the hill

10 burpees, jumping over block between each burpee

Bear Crawl to far fence

Mosey Back

(Repeato X 3)

–10 count–

Grab block, run up hill and over to pull up bar

2 lines

10 Pullups

Those waiting – 20 squats with block, rest 10 count (repeato until pullups)

Those finished – 10 low dollies holding block high, with 10 count rest (repeato until all are finished)

–10 count–

Grab block and run to track

Indian Run with Block around track

Set down blocks – relief to the pax?  but wait?

Line up for sprints

100 M sprint

10 count

200 M Sprint

10 count

300 M Sprint

10 count

Grab blocks mosey back to block pile and stack blocks

Run back up hill for 1 minute of American Hammer

Mosey back to start

-Q ran out of time and came up short on 6 MOM and a couple of planned exercises – will revisit next Q-


Being my VQ, I didn't pick up on a lot of the mumble chatter, too focused on trying to keep everything coordinated was enough of a challenge for me.  Also, we were moving pretty quickly so I think most everyone was just working on breathing.

I clearly need to work on counting in cadence…

Seemed Pax didn't like their taste of Abram's Delight so much, at some point, I believe everyone said I'm never allowed to Q again.  And I suck.  ðŸ™‚

Definitely crowd pleasure on the 100m bear crawl through foot high wet grass.  You're welcome.

Sorry to Ziplock and Bertha ( I believe it was you two, but without my glasses, hard for me to say) that i didn't allow enough time for them to knock out their low dollies – time was moving faster than I anticipated.  Kudos to you 2 for doing it anyway.

I believe the last 300 M sprint was a real crowd pleaser.  Nice running by Venus, Goodwrench and Closer, and all who finished.  Definitely a beat down today.  


Philippians 2:3-4 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

F3 is teaching me this.  I'm learning from the humbleness of the men I see around me, who each come out here, to gather, and be even more humbled. Today, I'm think back the transformations I've undergone over the past 7 months with F3, in how I'm thinking and feeling. I think about how iron sharpens iron, how the presence of those around me are sharpening me, just as I hope I am sharpening them.  Not only physically, but mentally, and spiritually. I appreciate the opportunity to lead you men today, and to be led by you tomorrow.