The ‘Ol Ball & Chain minus the Ball

Event Date

Aug 09, 2016


Eight men decided to face the humid gloom and unknowingly do some beta testing for a few new ideas of the Q.  With the BRR around the corner for some of us and many of the Pax being avid runners, the Q thought it would be a good idea to practice some hip and leg work to strengthen the muscles us runners often neglect.  Oh, and not to mention the 70ish pounds of logging chain I found in the back of the garage that was just too tempting not to use for something.  Checkout how it all happened.

Warm O Rama:


Mt. Climbers x25IC

Merkins x13IC


Mt. Climbers x20IC

Merkins x10IC

The Thang:

Eight pain stations all OYO with the hill runners as the timer (approximately 1 min 15 sec).

1)  Side stradles with resistance band around ankles and legs straight, approximately 10 side steps in both directions continuously.

2)  Chain pull.  Straighten about 30ish feet of logging chain and pull full length to one point.  Straighten chain back out and pull to next point.

3)  Glute Bridges.   Personal choice on type:  two legged, single legged and alternating, with or without a block for added weight.

4)  Shoulder Crosses with heavy resistance bands

5)  Hill run with new restrictor plate (10 pound length of chain)

6)  Block Trifecta

7)  Fire Hydrants

8)  Side leg lifts; alternating legs

Repeat for a total two and half rounds.

6MOM (led by Vortex)

Low Flutter (10IC) directly into Low Dolly (10IC) directly into Low Flutter (10IC)

LBC's x20IC

American Hammer


Ever since our family lost our neice in May I find myself constantly drawn to and listening to praise and worship music.  It was her way of finding peace and comfort when her days were low and treatments were tough.  It has been great to have the constant remembrance of her through the comfort and inspiration the music brings.  One of my favorite is by Ryan Stevenson "Eye of the Storm":

"In the eye of the storm, you remain in control.  And in the middle of the war, you guard my soul.  You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn.  Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm"

This reminds me that no matter what my storm is at the time or the war that I face nor the state my sails are in; the Lord Jesus is with me surrounding and shielding me.  He has plans for us all and he will not bring us to it if he wont take us through it.

Psalms 5:11

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.  Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.  


*  some grumbles started pretty early when the Q passed 20 on the first set of SSH in the warmup.  Youre welcome, guys!!!!

*  Dandelion expressed some discontent about his ankles based on the resistance bands either cutting off the circulation or doubling as an application of hair removal.

*  Vortex helped us shred some abs with the non-stop transitions between exercises.  

*  Stations were too far apart to catch much of the chatter, so sound off below with what I missed.

Great efforts today and way to make the most of each station gentlemen.  We all got better today.

It was an honor,
