Did I hear a “Nein-er” in there?

Event Date

Aug 11, 2016


NOW COMING TO THE STAGE….LawnDart, Turnpike, Swede, Frogger, (his buddy No Shoes), Hasselhoff, and Me….

After a quick and abbreviated F3 disclaimer, we started the party off with The Florida Driver

Run.  Think Indian Run…Norwegian style.  Lead man in a straight-line run suddenly changes speed causing the entire line behind him to merge in the right lane and pass.  Pax were encouraged to use hand gestures and yell obscenities as they ran by the slowing turd.  Lawn Dart had way too much fun with this one…


SSH X forty-nein IC (How do you say No in German?  Oh…I get it…)

IST X Nein-teen IC (we’re on to something here) 

CP’s X Nein-teen IC  

Seal Claps (Thanks T-Bone) X Nein-teen IC

Slow Squats X Nein IC

Thang One: Circle Jerk

Lay flat on back with toes toward the middle of the circle, doing Low Flutter Kicks.  Meanwhile, one bum gets up and jumps/leaps/hops/runs over all Pax in the circle; returning safely to his resting spot.  Next man up…until all have gone TWICE.  Now that our abs our burning…

Get into plank and REPEATO.  This time the “jump overs” are a little higher, raising the difficulty level.  And now our shoulders are warmed up.  Which is good because…

Thang Two: (Thanks Ditka)

  • Bear Crawl from one curb to the opposing curb, 10 incline merkins.
  • Low Lunge back to starting curb, 9 decline merkins.
  • Bear Crawl from one curb to the opposing curb, 8 incline merkins.
  • Low lunge back….7 decline merkins.  6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….plank to wait for others.

Mosey to Cindy Sticks-Grab Cinder Block…Zamperini to Pull-Up Bars

Thang Three: How do you count to Eleven? 

Circle up again…and grab a partner…

Partner#1:  Does 10 Curls with CB

Partner#2: Does 1 Curl with CB

Partner#1:  Does 9 Curls with CB

Partner#2: Does 2 Curls with CB

Then 8/3, 7/4, etc.  Once again, Lawn Dart rode the short bus on this one too.

Run around entire parking lot…just because…

REPEATO- except this time we did Skull Crushers

Take another lap!

Thang Four:  

Partner#1:  Farmer’s Carry to “Uncle Eddie’s Camper” on the far side of the parking lot.  Side note: Why is there a camper in the parking lot, and furthermore…why does it appear someone is living in it? 

Partner#2: As many Burpees you can (OYO) until Partner comes back


Partner#1:  Farmer’s Carry to “Uncle Eddie’s Camper” on the far side of the parking lot. 

Partner#2: As many “Jump Pullups” you can (OYO) until Partner comes back


Zamperini CB from Pull-Up Bars back to the woods to return Cindy to her home….


Proud Mary: Hand off to the Pax

Hasselhoff: Dying Cockroach X 9 IC

Frogger: WWII X 10 IC

Turnpike: LBC X 9 IC

No shoes: Freddy Mercury X 10 (although he had a different name for it)

Swede: W X 2 IC

Lawn Dart: ABC’s…in CAPS…in Times New Roman font 




Lots of laughs (which is what my 76 year-old mom thinks LOL stands for) today.  As the Q, you have the ability to make or break someone’s day.  Why not do both?  It was great to see Frogger in the gloom.  He sported a calf-high ski boot, but still participated in approx. 19% (that’s nein-teen) of the workout.  He made up for it by “Clown-Car-ing” with his Air Force buddy whose moving to Charleston.  He’s new to F3…but his name is No-Shoes…even though Frogger was the one wearing only one shoe. 

Hasselhoff and Turnpike tore up the parking lot with their speed and agility, while Swede turns an ordinary workout into an extraordinary one every time.   As for Lawn Dart, his M and 2.0’s are OOT this weekend…so if you’re up for “fabric free” entertainment and/or copious amounts of liquid libations, give me a jingle.  Call me if you need a “Drew-ber”. 

It was a pleasure Fellas-

Limburger “…..Hmmphf”