#the standard was completed by the fabulous five of Crack, Loveshack, Chief, Strutter, and Michael Volin (FNG2).  Loveshack then took off to attend to (ahem) personal business.  The illustrious crowd gathered at 'The Gate', cars scattered askew, we were minutes from launch date, how'd we get in….who knew??  WHEN to suddenly our surpise,  our GATEKEEPER did appear, with a smile ear to ear!  He opens the gate, the cars rush in, which caused us to start after 7, and F3 SIN!  My DEEPEST apologies to all PAX straggling in late, but we were tardy as it was, which of course, I hate!

COP (IC)- SSH 20, IST 16, Sustainable vegetation procurers 10. Mozy. High knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke,

COP #2 (for those that do, IC)- LItttle Man (Person) in the Woods 10, Crab position heal slappers 10, rotate COP right (counterclockwise, for those of you in Rio Linda) 43 ft, heal slappers 10, rotate left 42 ft., switch to  plank position, each man runs around circle, jumping over plankers, when one completes, then next one goes.  Finish off with 10 'sitouts' outta respect for Rent-a-Cop, who was in abstentia.  Lear = gone…..

Mozy to baseball field, tribute to our Boys of Summer.  Start at home, sprint (run at elevated pace) to first, 10 Mericans, mozy bases to home, 5 wall pushups or 5 Peter Parkers (both sides).  Sprint to 1st, 10 more Merticans, sprint to 2nd 20 CDD's, mozy home same 5 as above.  Final lap, sprint to 1st, 10 Mericans, 2nd 20 CDD's, 3rd 30 squats, back to home, 5 as above.  Mozy to outfield, plank, tunnel of love in wet grass:-/ THIS was thanks to Dolittle, who quipped about the TOL, which WAS on the docket, but further down the trail.

Mozy to Crack Den (IC)- 10 dips, 10 1/4 turn jump squats, repeato (jumps in opposite direction)

'Stroll' to rock pile, gather rock- COP (#3-the place to BE–IC, moving 1 rock to our right after EACH exercise) Curls 10, 8, 6, Peter Parkers (PP) 10, Skull Crashers 10, 8, 6, PP's 10, Squats (10, 12, 10), PP's 10, Pullovers 10, 10, 10, PP's 10, Outhouse Curls 10, 8, 6. PP's 10, return rocks.

Native American run around track (solid work MEN). Jump up steps to lowermiddle parking lot. Mozy to Mary (IC) Box Cutters/Cutter Boxes- 15/15, Pillow Talk R/L 10/10.  Recover, recover.


-If YOU happened to be driving for the 7 AM launch, you MIGHT have caught the best sunrise I've seen here in the northern part of southern North Carolina in some time…..hope you did.

-Lear was there, but we lost him EARLY into the COP#2–not sure why.

-Lots….and I mean LOTS of modification was going on.  YHC is COMPLETELY cool with that, as I do it routinely when posting for others' Q's.  It's a little 'mental victory' when I can complete any post unmodified.  

-There were TWO (2) FNG's today, one with a second post.  FNG1- Joe Flannigan, LW's son, displayed an IMPRESSIVE first post (no merlot).  Helps that he's an commited swimmer, Phelpslike no doubt!

-Our second FNG, Michael Volin, was EH'd by Strutter, who named him.  Turns out, Michael is from Wisconsin (setting of the show and today's coicidental post name 'Happy Days').  As we ALL know, Happy Days threw a well known spinoff named Laverne (two 'e's) and Shirley (one 'e').  As we ALL know, Laverne and Shirley worked at Shotz Brewery……..WELCOME SHOTZ!!!

-This group of 17 (who finished) and 19 (who started) was quite lively, jocular, and well disciplined, words that have come to define this venerable Race City Pax.  They kept up, repsonded in kind when asked for a better count, and didn't complain nearly as much as I would have, had the beatdown administration been reversed.  

-Strutter's 2.0 was kept in our prayers, and Crack mentioned the 9/24 running of The Delta on 9/24 at GCC, check F3Isotope.com for your upcoming Commz email for deets.

-Coffeeteria was well attended with stimulating intellectual conversation and a concering amount of flirtation with a clearly pregnant fellow Panera patron with alleged husband and viscious guard dog at her side, perplexing.

-Gents, it's ALWAYS a pleasure.  Take the reigns, you'll LOVE IT!!

-Safe travels to all of our vacationing Pax:-)